Over 28,000 workers will benefit from the Guadalajara logistics operators agreement


The Logistics Association of the province of Guadalajara, integrated in CEOE-CEPYME Guadalajara, as an interlocutor with the unions in its sector, has been in charge, through its representatives and the Legal department of the Alcarreña Employers, to negotiate the agreement of collective agreement. An act that has been carried out together with Patronal UNO.

With this signature an agreement is reached for the year 2021, so the text of the agreement remains unchanged, updating the application tables. An agreement for the signing of the agreement that, in the province of Guadalajara, affects about 28,000 workers and has been ratified by the representatives of the four parties, CEOE-CEPYME Guadalajara, UNO, CCOO and UGT.

The increase agreed in the collective agreement of logistics operators in the province of Guadalajara is 2%, with revision clauses of the CPI. In addition, it has been agreed that the arrears are payable from January 1, 2021 to the month following the publication of the tables, CEOE-CEPYME reported in a press release.

At the same time, a calendar of meetings has been signed since October, every 15 days, for the continuation of the revision of the text of the current collective agreement of the sector for 2022.

Source: lacronica.net

The Guadalajara Post