Puerto Vallarta spiderman cleans the streets of trash


For about a year the presence of Spider-Man burst onto the streets of Puerto Vallarta; Beyond fantasy, this is a flesh and blood hero, who fights against environmental damage, taking on the task of collecting rubbish from sidewalks, parks, beaches and rivers.

It began discreetly, but there were those who recorded it and its image went viral on social networks. His example has infected others, who have joined in his spontaneous cleaning tasks; like a super hero, he has also had to pose for photographs with his followers.

Vallarta Spider-Man

Even without revealing his face, he accepted an interview with CPS-Tribuna de la Bahía. His name is Ricardo Quintero Ruiz, he is barely 19 years old and is a student; He was born in Guadalajara, but a year later he came to live in Puerto Vallarta, which is why he is considered “patasalada”. 

He had the desire to buy the Spider-Man costume, he ordered it and the adventure began in his hands. He says that it is not a campaign, but an initiative, at first he was afraid of the unknown.

“I wanted to have it, but at the end of the day I didn’t know how to use it, I wanted … but in a better way, in a way that I could contribute something, because many people identify Spider-Man by the physique, or by the marometas. , but for me the character means putting society on your side, whatever is in your hands to do good ”, he stated.

Spider-Man in Puerto Vallarta

The first day was discreet, in full quarantine, he did not even give his name, but the second day he exploded on the networks

He decided on something simple, but effective and noble, so he dedicated himself to picking up garbage, due to the highly visible problem. At first they uploaded him to meme pages, he even received ridicule, but later he was showered with recognitions, admiration and support. 

To his surprise, many people began to contact him about it, and he became involved in issues of the ecological environment, reforestation and environmental care.


“That’s when I realized the weight of the character, and how this would work in another way, because people made me see that it is good how I do it, because children are the public that sees me the most, he will wanting to do the same in the future, and keep in mind that if one day they saw Spider-Man pick up trash, they could still do it, “he said.

It does not have a calendar, schedule, or grouping. He does it regularly on Fridays, but it is also on other days. The day he collected the most, there are 4 jumbo bags, by himself.

Normally 5 or 10 people accompany him, but when he calls together up to 30; However, he clarifies that it is not necessary for them to go with him to help him, it is enough that from some other point they dedicate time to cleaning our municipality, and if they are dressed as superheroes, better.

Source: tribunadelabahia.com.mx

The Guadalajara Post