Oaxaca Prohibits Day of the Dead Celebrations in the City


Oaxaca de Juárez, Oaxaca, October 10, 2020.- Due to the fact that in the municipality of Oaxaca de Juárez and in the state there has been an accelerated increase in cases of COVID-19, the Cabildo approved in an Extraordinary Session a point of agreement whereby it is determined that, for the Day of the Dead season, the City Council will not grant authorization for public events. 

This Saturday, in a virtual way, the councilors stipulated that this measure is applicable for calendas, comparsas, tours, altars competitions, carpet competitions, screenings, artistic and cultural presentations, exhibitions, gastronomic samples, monumental altars, cyclist rides, costume contests, and all events in general, this on the occasion of the health alert decreed by the federal authority. 

The initiative signed by the councilor for Government and Entertainment and the Environment and Natural Resources, Luz María Soledad Canseco Vásquez; the councilor for Art, Culture and Intangible Heritage and Education, Science and Technology, Xhunaxhi Fernanda Mau Gómez, as well as the Tax Trustee, Jorge Castro Campos, instructs the Directorates of Economy, Government and Public Safety, Roads and Citizen Protection , within the scope of its powers and attributions, monitor compliance with the aforementioned agreement. 

When addressing the issue, Municipal President Oswaldo García Jarquín highlighted that yesterday, Friday, October 10, 705 cases of COVID-19 were registered throughout the state, 185 of these in Oaxaca de Juárez, something unprecedented during the time that the pandemic has lasted. hence the importance of approving the measure not to authorize permits for public events in the upcoming Day of the Dead season. 

“We have to be very alert and not lower our guard,” he said while announcing that the Oaxaca de Juárez City Council will cancel any activity or celebration planned in advance for this season. In this context, he mentioned the importance of each person doing the same in terms of prevention, while scientists advance in the development of the vaccine. 

Día de Muertos en Oaxaca -

Meanwhile, Councilor Luz María Soledad Canseco Vásquez, explained that to date Oaxaca registers a high increase in COVID-19 cases, which is why she called “for citizen awareness to take care of us and not continue registering positive cases and return to Red light”.

She added that the economic reactivation is very important, but in the face of the health emergency, it is in the interest of the three levels of government to act responsibly and respect the agreements on health matters, mainly those issued by this Council.

She finally said that the capital city is undoubtedly “a tourist spot, where death is a party and tradition,” however, the global pandemic limits many activities and occupies the Oaxaca de Juárez City Council in safeguarding and protecting citizens.

Source: viveoaxaca.org

The Oaxaca Post