Mexicos second largest pilgrimage to Zapopan, Jalisco canceled


Mexico is threatened by the virus, but also by divisions, argues the Archbishop of Guadalajara, José Francisco Robles Ortega

Unpublished pilgrimage in Zapopan, Jalisco, due to the COVID-19 pandemic

The pilgrimage was to be celebrated this October 12 the second-largest pilgrimage in Mexico, the carrying of the Virgin from the Cathedral of Guadalajara to the Basilica of Zapopan

For the first time, there are no crowds of parishioners, no dancers, no bird watchers. The global pandemic of COVID-19 forced to follow the religious holiday from home to avoid greater risks of contagion.

Pilgrimage guard

The municipal authorities blocked the entrance streets to the Basilica so that the agglomerations of the faithful do not occur. In the first square of Zapopan, 1,400 police elements participate to maintain order.

Pilgrimage closings

During the homily at the  Welcome Mass to the Basilica, the Archbishop of Guadalajara, José Francisco Robles Ortega emphasized that Mexico is threatened by the virus but also by divisions, differences have been accentuated until they consider their neighbor as an enemy.

“Our country runs the risk of division, confrontation and rancor between the different ways of understanding life, the economy and society. Instead of adding and building from differences a fair, supportive and peaceful country.

We must make a deep examination of conscience personally and socially to come to assume our responsibilities in the great evils that afflict us and that are producing division, violence, death and desolation. Certainly the Coronavirus pandemic has not generated this crisis that we are experiencing, it has only exposed it to our conscience and has aggravated it “.

Panoramic basilica
Pilgrimage friars

The social threats that the country is experiencing are a consequence of the bad and unfair decisions of all. The violence, the crime, the theft is a sign that humanity has fallen at the bottom, for longer even gives value to life, he lamented the prelate tapatío.

“As a society we are suffering the consequences of an unfair relationship between us, as we have become accustomed to seeing each other from the economic price and not from human dignity. We have fallen to the bottom when the human person is no longer respected, nor are their legitimate rights respected when a price is put on life ”.

Pilgrimage anticovid measures
Pilgrimage healthy distance

Since 1965 the Virgin of Zapopan is also known as La Patrona against epidemics and floods. today receives multiple prayers to end the global pandemic of COVID-19.

“The Virgin of Zapopan has accompanied us in regional history as Generala and Reina. In the midst of this difficult situation that we are living through due to the pandemic and its disastrous social and family consequences in all areas of life. Humanly, there is no way to find a way out of reality so difficult and dark, but to fully trust that the strength of God will change the situation.

 This pilgrimage was declared by UNESCO as Cultural and Intangible Heritage of Humanity. It is worth mentioning that  Fray Antonio de Segovia brought from Michoacán in the year 1530, the image of the Virgin that is made of corn cane. Traditionally this October 12, more than two and a half million pilgrims from Jalisco, Mexico, and different parts of the world arrive at the Zapopan Basilica, but in this edition due to the pandemic for the first time in centuries, the celebration is done without pilgrims.


The Guadalajara Post