Lifeguards rescue tourists washed away by waves in Ixtapa and Zihuatanejo


They were rescued after being swept away by the current in two different locations, in Playa El Palmar and another in Playa Larga in Ixtapa.

Three tourists, a couple from Michoacán and another from Guanajuato were rescued after being swept away by the current in two different locations, in Playa El Palmar and another in Playa Larga in Ixtapa, in the municipality of Zihuatanejo in the Costa Grande region of Guerrero.

At first, a tourist from Guanajuato was about to drown in the open sea at Playa Larga, for which he was rescued by lifeguards from Civil Protection and Firefighters.

The incident was reported this Tuesday around 06:00 in the afternoon, where the tourist was about 200 meters from the shore of the beach because the current dragged him out to sea.

The tourist was identified as José Antonio “N”, 40, who was rescued by a lifeguard, and helped in the sand strip and later transferred to a hospital where he was reported stable.

Almost simultaneously, a couple from Michoacán were swept away by the current of the sea on El Palmar beach in Ixtapa Zihuatanejo.

The authorities reported that the tourists were identified as Elizabeth “N”, 55, and her husband Ivan “N”, 44, who jumped into the sea and were washed to the bottom.

The tourists were rescued by a lifeguard from the Tesoro hotel, the man managed to get out alone, but the woman was helped by paramedics from Civil Protection on the sand strip.

Unfortunately, they find lifeless Moreliano washed away by the tide in Zihuatanejo

Michoacano Ulises N, who was reported missing last Tuesday due to being swept away by a wave on El Palmar beach , appeared lifeless on Thursday afternoon and his body was recovered by elements of Protection State Civil, Municipal Civil Protection and Navy Navy of Mexico.

The sources consulted indicated that the remains of the 26-year-old tourist were sighted around 2:00 p.m., 200 meters from the beach , in the same area where he disappeared.

According to the Director of Civil Protection of Zihuatanejo, Jorge Cervantes Álvarez, the strong waves caused by the “stormy sea” caused a blow to the head and neck injuries .

As previously reported Ulises N entered the sea accompanied by Alejandra N, they were rolled by the waves and only the woman managed to get out, from that moment on a search and location operation was mounted, on land and in the sea on board of boats and jet skis.

Likewise, guards were installed to monitor the area and the work was joined by nautical service providers who with motorcycles and parachutes helped with the search for the visitor, in this way the tasks were reinforced until they were located .

Personnel of the Public Ministry attended to carry out the procedures and law and their subsequent transfer to the Forensic Medical Service; where his family already attended to rest his remains.


The Guerreo Post