With Baja Ha-Ha scheduled to start a little more than three months from now, a lot of sailors are wondering whether it will be held as scheduled or canceled.

Speaking as the Grand Poobah of the 26 Ha-Ha’s to date, I can report that a final decision will not be made until October 2. As the Covid situation is constantly changing, that’s all I will say. I see no point in engaging in any speculation or arguments for or against until there is greater clarity.

If the Ha-Ha is canceled, Patsy ‘La Reina del la Mar’ Verhoeven of the Gulfstar 50 Talion reports she will be forming a Nada Ha-Ha, which would be an independent radio-based ultra-light version of the Ha-Ha. The concept would be to maintain the group camaraderie and safety while avoiding risky behavior. Exactly what would be involved would depend on the Covid situation in California and Mexico in late October.

Patsy is a veteran of 13 Ha-Ha’s and has been the Assistant Poobah for the last five Ha-Ha’s. She’s enjoyed many more years of cruising from Central America to the South Pacific to the Pacific Northwest and keeps her boat in La Paz during the season. 

It would extremely helpful to both the Baja Ha-Ha and a possible Nada Ha-Ha if people who are at all interested in either one would make their intentions known. This can be done by emailing Patsy at [email protected]. Please, we ask that just one person from each boat reply.

We’re keeping our fingers crossed that there can be a safe Ha-Ha XXVII, and have heard from a lot of sailors who want to join the ranks of more than 10,000 who have already done one. But it’s even more important to us that as many people as possible stay as healthy as possible. A sante.

Please pass this info along!

The Baja Ha-Ha or Nada Ha-Ha
Will be November 2 – 14, 2020

What is it?

The Baja Ha-Ha is a two-week cruisers rally from San Diego to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, which takes place every fall. For answers to frequently asked questions, see our How To & FAQ page. And be sure to support our sponsors, without whom there would be no Baja Ha-Ha.


Baja California Post