Extortion Call Center Dismantled in Guadalajara; 12 Arrested


On the night of January 14, authorities dismantled a call center allegedly used for extortion in the Magaña neighborhood of Guadalajara, resulting in the arrest of 12 individuals.

Members of the Metropolitan Interinstitutional Force were patrolling the streets of Federico Medrano and José María Lafragua when they were verbally assaulted by people entering a building. The officers obtained a search warrant and discovered cell phones, computers, notebooks, and call headphone jacks inside the premises.

Police sources indicated that the site was used for phone-based extortion. The Jalisco Prosecutor’s Office confirmed that they are investigating the incident to determine responsibilities.

The Metropolitan Interinstitutional Force comprises elements from the State Security Secretariat, the State Prosecutor’s Office, the National Guard, and the National Defense Secretariat.

Source: Debate