The above, referred the SSJ, has been possible thanks to working with the “Jalisco Model” through pre-registration on the state platform
Up to two thousand people per hour on average are those that the Jalisco Health Secretariat assured, were vaccinated in the macro center of the Benito Juárez Auditorium during the first day of immunization against COVID-19 to adults between 50 and 59 years old.
Although it began with 12 vaccination cells to immunize, per hour, up to 1,200 people of this age group and those lagging behind from first doses of the municipalities of El Salto, Tlaquepaque, Tlajomulco, and Tonalá, the agency assured that during the moments of greatest flow it was possible to reach the aforementioned average.
According to the health agency, although it started with a delay of around 12 minutes, once the immunization system was stabilized, an average of 35 minutes was invested in each patient from their arrival at the macro center and until the exit from it already with the vaccine applied.
The above, referred to the agency, has been possible thanks to working with the “Jalisco Model” through pre-registration on the state platform (once the registration is already available at, which Allows you to allocate an immunization time to avoid long lines.
The Secretary of Health in Jalisco, Fernando Petersen, urged the population not to queue unnecessarily, “the Jalisco platform is important to be able to schedule an appointment and thus reduce the queues and waiting outside the Benito Juárez auditorium. The lines that were made (today) in the morning were due to the people coming forward; there is no need to arrive at eight if your appointment is at 12, “he said.
On this day, pregnant women over 18 years of age, who registered on both the state and federal platforms, received the COVID-19 vaccine under the same appointment model and continuous flow at the headquarters of the Army and Air Force Museum. . The day of immunization will continue until June 4 for pregnant women, people from 50 to 59 years old and those lagging behind from the first doses of these municipalities.