Puerto Vallarta LGBT Collective investigated assault on tourist


Héctor “ Teto ” Ramírez Betancourt, coordinator of the Vallarta LGBT Collective, upon learning of the alleged attack on the American tourist Michael, in an alternative nightclub in the romantic zone, investigated the case. The owner of the club shared with him evidence from the security cameras, where he said, it is observed how he assaults one of the workers.

The activist of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender community also said, he learned that the visitor refused to pay the bill for a service, so he urged that if they do not have money, do not go out and look for another way to have fun. 

“We investigated the case, it turns out that as in all kinds of people, there are people who do not like to pay bills and leave places without doing so, is what happened with this tourist, the security cameras of the bar were checked and they realized that the tourist had not wanted to pay for the services he had taken inside the bar, “he said.

He elaborated: “It is seen that it was outside, in fact, the tourist attacked one of the workers at the bar, left him very beaten, then it is not worth it, in Vallarta we receive all tourists with open arms and places make an effort because We want to reactivate the economy, so Vallarta is not a place where tourists are hit, far from it, ”he clarified.

The question remains whether the blows presented by the visitor were already retained by the police, as he assured that he was not inside the bar.

Teto Betancourt pondered that no type of aggression is justified, and given the complaint that the tourist made to the Prosecutor’s Office and Human Rights, he asked that the security cameras be reviewed, investigated and found the culprits.

Faced with this situation of alleged aggression and abuse of authority, and considering the importance of LGBT tourism in this Vallarta destination, he recommended:

“Let them come and have fun, Vallarta welcomes you with open arms … and then if they don’t bring money, they don’t just go out, now we are going to do a little bit … it is not discrimination, but you can pay a fee. account there is no need to go out, you can have fun in other ways ”.

Source: tribunadelabahia.com.mx

The Guadalajara Post