Puerto Vallarta beach club sanction for allowing pubic sex in transparent pool (video)


The municipal government will sanction the Mantamar Beach Club, in the populous resort of Los Muertos, for faults of morality, when a video in which they capture a couple having sex in the transparent pool goes viral, which scandalized Vallartans on social media.

The Director of Inspection and Regulations of the City Council, José Juan Velázquez Hernández, informed that on Wednesday at noon a colleague shared the images with them, which motivated the investigation.

“There was not really a direct complaint of the events before us, it was a matter that was observed on social networks and they shared it with us, so we immediately sent to verify, to see if the situation was developing at that time,” he explained.

“When we arrived at the facilities of the Mantamar beach club, we did not detect anything, however, a sanction procedure was initiated against them, even though we did not detect it in flagrante delicto, we had the evidence on video.”

Foundation according to the regulation:

“We have a hypothesis, which considers acts are carried out, which affect against morality and good customs, and it was for this reason that an administrative procedure was initiated, a circumstantial record was drawn up, where the facts were recorded. ”.


The municipal official warned that the company will have to assume its responsibility in this situation, with a probable fine, since they must have security elements, to ensure that there are no undue situations within their facilities.

He clarified that they only initiated the procedure, but the amount of the sanction corresponds to determine the municipal judge

Velázquez Hernández stressed that the procedure has already started after the video was made public if they have received citizen complaints of these events. 

He recognized that Puerto Vallarta has a large LGBT community and not all of them are as reflected in the video.

He also shared a representative of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transsexual, LGBT community, communicated to express his concern, that a bad perception of this sector is generalized, because they were criticizing them because of a couple of people they were not careful, nor did they keep their composure.

“In this case it was our turn, because it is a commercial establishment, however, we must remember that we have a Police and Good Government regulation, which requires all citizens to take care of this situation of good behavior … civilized, good neighborhood”.

He stressed that these measures are not just for trade: 

“As citizens in general, it is also considered for us”, warned the head of Regulations.

LGBT Vallarta Collective rejects public sexual acts

Mantamar beach club

Faced with the video that circulated on social networks about men having sexual relations in a transparent pool of the “Mantamar” beach club, the coordinator of the Vallarta LGBT Collective, Héctor Ramírez Betancourtexpressed the opinion that it is necessary that entrepreneurs of the transfers directed to this community can modify its regulations of its common areas and thus avoid situations of this type.

“It is a private club but it is facing Los Muertos beach and this is public, it is even where many families, children and they are passing by, so that is what we disapprove of, not so much the fact of sex because we are prudes ”. 

Through a statement that was sent to the Directorate of Inspection and Regulations, this group clarified that it disapproves of this event; Although sexuality is to be enjoyed, it should not affect third parties.  

Likewise, they would like employers to be more responsible with their clients and for there to be monitoring to avoid these events that affect the reputation of the LGBT community. 

“I believe that it is up to the Regulations to make a recommendation regarding that transparent pool so that it does not happen on other occasions. We ask for respect, but to be able to demand it we have to respect ourselves ”. 

Likewise, in this communication they ask the Directorate of Inspection and Regulations to carry out a sanction in accordance with the offense committed . 

Finally, he recalled that in Guadalajara it is already allowed to have sex in public places but not yet in Vallarta.

Source: tribunadelabahia.com.mx

The Guadalajara Post