Jalisco continues to accumulate record deaths from coronavirus


Guadalajara, Jalisco –which until Saturday accounted for 11.56 percent of the deaths from Covid-19 in the country–, broke its own record of deaths for the third time this week, going from 159 to 170 patients, of the of which 80 percent had some comorbidity.

Thus, the state is approaching 8,000 deaths from the pandemic, at a rate that does not abate despite the containment measures and restrictions that, by the way, will conclude on the last day of this month.

Hospital occupancy reached 1,956 people, another record figure after the fact that in just 24 hours, revenues increased 1.13 percent.

Jalisco Cómo Vamos Observatorio Ciudadano - Jalisco Cómo Vamos

In Jalisco (where around 6 percent of the population of Mexico lives), 170 of the 1,470 deaths reported in the country were documented on Saturday.

In the entity, there have been 7,832 deaths due to Covid-19, of 149 thousand 84 documented in Mexico until Saturday.

From December 25th to date, the daily average is 70.5 deaths, which now adds up to 2,000; that is, 27 percent of the total deaths that have occurred in Jalisco from coronavirus occurred in the last 30 days.

Also on Saturday, 1,954 infections were reported, with 115 of the 125 municipalities in the state with active cases (people who began to show symptoms in the recent two weeks).

Guadalajara is still the municipality with the highest number of deaths: 2,888 (63 percent of the total), followed by Zapopan, with 1,010 and Tlaquepaque with 619.

Until Saturday, the Mexican Institute of Social Security had 1,246 Covid-19 patients hospitalized; there were 264 in the hospitals of the Jalisco Health Secretariat and 235 in the Civil Hospital of Guadalajara.

The Institute of Social Security and Services for State Workers and private hospitals added 102 and 99 patients, respectively, while the rest were distributed among the Municipal Medical Services of Guadalajara, Tlajomulco, and Zapopan.

In this context, the first phase of vaccination of health personnel who care for infected people has concluded. Workers from public hospitals and emergency services and private hospitals were inoculated.

Source: udgtv.com

The Guadalajara Post