Merida Yucatan; Volaris flights resume to Oaxaca and Houston


MÉRIDA.- The Yucatan Tourism Development Secretariat, Michelle Fridman Hirsch, announced today the resumption of two flights, one national and one international.

These are the Oaxaca-Mérida route of the Volaris airline, whose aircraft arrived today at 3:50 p.m., and the United Houston-Mérida international route, which will resume its routes on December 1 with 4 flights to the week and then it will be every day.

At a press conference at the Mérida international airport, Secretary Fridman assured that 65% of the routes that have their base in Mérida have already been recovered. At the moment the airlines already offer 18,000 seats a week.

Confirma Sefotur la ruta Houston-Mérida y recibe vuelo de Oaxaca con Volaris

The administrator of the international airport, Óscar Carrillo Maldonado, reported that due to the pandemic, passenger mobility reached just 300 or 400 passengers a day. Today 4,000 travelers are mobilized on average, which opens hope for a good end of the year.

Last October, the Mérida airport surpassed one million passengers in 2020. The gradual growth of mobility, coupled with the recovery of suspended routes and economic reactivation, allows them to see a happy end of the year.

Carrillo Maldonado acknowledged that there is an intense and coordinated work between Grupo Asur, Sefotur, and tourism entrepreneurs. Together with globally certified health protocols, they generate confidence in travelers.

Arrival of the flight from Oaxaca

For her part, the head of Sefotur recalled that tourism and aviation were among the economic sectors most affected by the pandemic.

She mentions that Volaris launched an incentive strategy to fly. It also has 30,000 seats available with a 20% discount and awarded 1,000 travel vouchers to hoteliers to include in their packages.

On Interjet, which suspended its flights due to financial problems, he has no news. Interjet had a daily flight from Mérida to Mexico City, according to the airport administrator.

The direct flights to Oaxaca from Volaris will be on Thursdays and Saturdays, arriving in Mérida at 3:50 pm and leaving at 4:30 pm on the same day.

The Houston-Mérida flight of the United airline will begin on December 1 with a plane with a capacity of 166 passengers. From December 1 to 14 it will have 4 weekly departures and from December 15 to January 4 its flights will be daily.

The flight will arrive at 6:45 PM on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday and will depart an hour later to Houston. For the second half of December, it will increase its flights on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

The Volaris flight that resumed its route brought 60 passengers from the Oaxaca airport and received the traditional baptism of water.

The Yucatan Post