Quintana Roo issues “RED ALERT” for 8 municipalities due to GAMMA


The red alert is for Benito Juárez (Cancun), Cozumel, Puerto Morelos, Isla Mujeres, Lázaro Cárdenas, Tulum, Solidaridad and Felipe Carrillo Puerto

Cancun Quintana Roo

Por tormenta

The Quintana Roo State Civil Protection Coordination issued a red alert for Benito Juárez, Cozumel, Puerto Morelos, Isla Mujeres, Lázaro Cárdenas, Tulum, Solidaridad and Felipe Carrillo Puerto, due to the arrival of tropical storm “Gamma”.

Por tormenta

Meanwhile, the municipalities Othón P. Blanco, Bacalar and José María Morelos remain on an orange alert.

Se espera fuerte oleaje en Yucatán y Quintana Roo

At 6:00 am today, the center of the tropical storm was located approximately 30 kilometers east of Punta Herrero and 90 kilometers south of Cozumel. It presents maximum sustained winds of 85 km / hr, gusts of 110 km / hr and displacement to the northeast of 15 km / hr.

Esta será la trayectoria de Gamma los próximos días y los estados por donde  pasará - Infobae

Due to the strong gusts of wind and the rain that tropical storm “Gamma” has brought, the state government has asked citizens to avoid going outside. At the moment the highest precipitation has been registered in Cozumel with 244 millimeters and in Cancun with 117 mm. In the latter, the work of the Specialized Operational Committee on Hydrometeorological Phenomena of the municipality of Benito Juárez, Quintana Roo, Season 2020, as well as the Operation Storm, in which more than 200 elements from various agencies participate.

Source: proteccioncivil.qroo.gob.mx/portal/Boletin.php

The Cancun Post