Waiters receive training in San Miguel de Allende for coronavirus


In the course, they will learn about sanitation and hygiene of tables, utensils, workspaces, and hygiene measures for staff, among others.

A total of 390 casual workers in San Miguel de Allende, have enrolled in the course “Preparation of waiters before COVID-19, for the good return” ; With this, it seeks to guarantee a service with all the hygiene protocols in meetings for weddings, social events and conventions.

The reactivation of the sector will be until next August 27 through a gradual and orderly process; in these events, there will be no more than 60 people, including those who provide the service; And it is these workers who will have to take their two-hour course, which is in-person and takes place at the Technological University of San Miguel de Allende.

The realization was achieved in coordination between the Directorate of Citizen Attention, Tours and Supports with Economic Development, International Relations and NGOs, who activated the Attention Center Here We Are !. ” AQUI ESTAMOS “

With 390 temporary workers registered at the moment, it was reported that there is no longer a place in the courses to be held next Wednesday, July 29 and Thursday, July 30 ; while for the 31 there are some places and on Saturday August 1, it has place for two schedules.

Eventual workers involved in food preparation, transportation and delivery of food, drinks will participate; as waiters, bartenders, bartenders, etc.

They will learn about sanitation and hygiene of tables, utensils, workspaces and hygiene measures for personnel, as well as capacity, physical distance, payment systems, measures to enter the premises, reception of suppliers, among others.

Registration is at the Attention Center. Here we are! to 415 15 2 96 05, from 8:30 in the morning to 3 in the afternoon, from Monday to Friday. They will inform you time and date to attend the course.

This free and compulsory course is endorsed by the Municipal Government, the Ministry of Innovation, Science and Higher Education, the Ministry of Tourism of the State of Guanajuato (SECTUR) and the UTSMA.

Each worker will receive a certificate and the credential that endorses their training in current health protocols.

Source: milenio.com

San Miguel Post