Where does Guadalajara’s water come from?


The water supply for the Guadalajara Metropolitan Area (Zona Metropolitana de Guadalajara) comes from various sources, but one stands out as the primary: Lake Chapala.

Lake Chapala is the largest continental body of water in Mexico and one of the most significant.

The lake serves as the main source of potable water for the Guadalajara Metropolitan Area (ZMG), which includes the capital of the state and the surrounding municipalities. According to data from the State Water Commission (Comisión Estatal del Agua, CEA) and the National Water Commission (Comisión Nacional del Agua, Conagua), approximately 70% of the water used by the nearly 5 million people living in the ZMG is extracted from Lake Chapala. After extraction, the water undergoes treatment before reaching households.

To find out if your neighborhood will experience water shortages on specific days within the Guadalajara Metropolitan Area, you can check the social media channels of the Intermunicipal System for Potable Water and Sewerage (Sistema Intermunicipal de Agua Potable y Alcantarillado, Siapa). Siapa provides information on water distribution, quality, and updates related to maintenance or service interruptions in the various municipalities that make up the ZMG.

Source: Telediario