Puerto Vallarta declared the second safest city in Mexico


According to the National Security Survey, Puerto Vallarta is the second safest city in our country, and the safest in Jalisco

The National Urban Public Security Survey, carried out by the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI), ranks the city of Puerto Vallarta as the safest in the state of Jalisco, and the second safest in all of Mexico. The survey evaluates the perception of citizens over 18 years of age regarding the security of their communities.

The survey reveals that the Vallartans feel safe living in the port, which in turn is one of the tourist jewels of Jalisco, and one of the most visited places in our country, with thousands of national and international tourists who arrive at its pristine beaches every year.

The INEGI statistics also show that, at the state level, Puerto Vallarta is the safest entity in Jalisco, with only 19.4 percent of insecurity perception. With this, it far exceeds municipalities such as Tlaquepaque, where the perception of insecurity reaches 61%; followed by Tlajomulco with 62%, Zapopan with 64.5%, Guadalajara with 74%, and Tonalá, finally, with 76.%.

With this percentage of 19.4%, Puerto Vallarta is below the Benito Juárez mayor’s office, where insecurity is perceived at 15.2%, and is above Mérida, which is considered one of the safest in all of Mexico, and which is now in fourth place.

Source: El Informador