Jalisco driver’s license 2023. Where should I pay?


The process for the first time or renew the Jalisco 2023 driver’s license indicates that payment of must be made before appearing in the modules of the Secretary of Transportation.

In the Income Law of 2023, which was approved by the State Congress, it contemplates the cost that each of the different types of driving license will have

The increase was established for requesting a driver’s license for a car, motorcycle or driver, either for the first time or to renew it.

Where to make the payment and to whom?

At the Ministry of Transportation, Banks, online, Tesoreria.

You specify at the cashier that it is for a driver’s license and the type, they make the charge to the Jalisco Ministry of Finance, and they give you the payment deposit receipt.

How much will the Jalisco 2023 driver’s license cost?

The Executive stated that the increase in the cost of the driver’s license for motorists will be 817 pesos. In the case of the driver’s license for motorcyclists, the cost will be 470 pesos.

And if you want to renew the driver’s license you must pay 685 pesos, while that of motorcyclists will be 442 pesos.

The requirements to obtain it are:

New license requirements:

Valid official identification.

Proof of address that matches one of the surnames or the address of the INE. (No more than 90 days)

Printed CURP or birth certificate.

All documents in original and copy.

Pass the road knowledge and practical driving tests.

Submit the proof of road course. (Applies only to permission for minors, public transport, taxis and platform vehicles in all categories)

Schedule an appointment at the central offices of the Ministry of Transportation, from Monday to Friday or Saturday (by appointment only) through this link https://citas.jalisco.gob.mx/transporte

People with disabilities (presenting the original and a copy of their DIF credential) and people over 60 years of age pay 50% of the cost of the license.