Spanish Citrus International Awards will be held in Guadalajara, Jalisco in October

Photo by Brienne Hong | Unsplash

The Spanish Citrus International Awards will be held again next October in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. “It is a great pride and great satisfaction to return again to Mexico, to celebrate a new edition of our awards, which on this occasion will recognize three international ambassadors, who have been characterized by spreading and promoting the Spanish citrus,” stated Francisco Seva Rivadulla, coordinator of the awards.

“In this new stage, we’ll focus on developing these awards at an international level. Our goal is to celebrate them in other countries, such as Peru, the United States, and even in EU countries such as Portugal or Germany. We are on a new totally international stage because it is very necessary to strengthen the internationalization of our citrus at the moment.”

“We want to continue disseminating our citrus fruits worldwide, so we understand that the Spanish Citrus International Ambassadors are a clear example to continue promoting our exquisite, delicious, high quality and very healthy citrus fruits,” he added.

In 2023 the awards will be held in Peru and in 2024 in the United States.


The Guadalajara Post