Jalisco authorities arrest a man accused of starting a fire in La Primavera


The governor confirms that the fire in La Primavera was a provoked action; the alleged perpetrator is already in the Jalisco Prosecutor’s Office

On Tuesday, March 22, 2022, a fire was reported to the local authorities in the area of Guadalajara known as “El Bosque de la Primavera“.

At the moment, 150 elements are fighting the flames in La Primavera.  SPECIAL
At the moment, 150 elements are fighting the flames in La Primavera. SPECIAL

A man was arrested for causing the fire in the Bajío de Milpillas area of ​​the Bosque de La Primavera, the governor reported.

“It is an arson attack, we have arrested the person responsible, he is already in the Prosecutor’s Office and he is going to pay for his actions. We are going to act very firmly,” the governor said

He explained that the person was detected by members of the brigade that looks after La Primavera. And added that they are investigating if the fire was started accidentally or intentionally.

“The strong winds made the action of the Civil Protection brigade more complicated, but the report they gave us is that we are doing well and they hope that the fire will be controlled in the next few hours,” the governor continued.

Firefighters and forestry brigades are battling the fire together in the Las Milpillas area by the town of Nextipac, near the Guadalajara-Tepic highway.

At the moment, 150 persons are fighting the flames, supported by 40 vehicles and five aircraft. The fire is advancing towards the south zone of the Mariano Otero extension to the Planillas area, according to Civil Protection and Firefighters of Zapopan.

Source: El Informador

The Guadalajara Post