Rents in Mexico’s 4th largest cities increase up to 22,000 pesos a month


Mexico City, Guadalajara, Monterrey, and Querétaro are the regions that have the highest incomes in the country, whose price is valued from 10,653 pesos to 21,920 pesos per month, based on a 65-square-meter property with two bedrooms.

According to an analysis of Inmuebles24, in the last two years, the month of January has registered historical peaks for the search for rental housing, given this, the platform made said report of the highest rental prices in four of the largest in the country.

Life changes and that forces us to move to look for new directions and also a new home, and there always seems to be a special enthusiasm at the beginning of the year.

Inmuebles24 highlighted in its report.

May be an image of monument and text that says 'RENTAS DE CIUDADES DE MEXICO SE ELEVAN CASI A 22,000 PESOS MENSUALES CIUDAD DE MÉXICO (Polanco Chapultepec, Delegación Miguel Hidalgo) Polanco Chapultepec, 22,822 pesos mensuales Fraccionamiento Club de Golf Bosques, 22,005 pesos 1ra Sección del Bosque de Chapultepec, 21,967 pesos Los Morales Sección Alameda, 21,576 pesos Polanco Reforma, 19,988 pesos Fuente:Inmuebles24 Inmuebles24 Fuente: EL CEO'

Polanco, with more expensive rents in Mexico City

According to the report, Polanco Chapultepec stands out as the neighborhood with the most expensive rents within Mexico City, while the Miguel Hidalgo delegation is established as the one with the highest concentration of neighborhoods with high monthly prices in this regard. 

Polanco Chapultepec, whose monthly amount amounts to 22,822 pesos; Bosques Golf Club subdivision, 22,005 pesos; 1st Section of the Bosques de Chapultepec, 21,967 pesos; Los Morales Alameda Section, 21,576 pesos and Polanco Reforma, 19,988 pesos.

May be an image of text that says 'GUADALAJARA (Zapopan Sureste y en Zona Minerva) Residencial Virreyes 16,948 pesos mensuales Fraccionamiento Puerta de Hierro, 16,249 pesos Providencia 4ta Sección, 14,565 pesos Country Club, 14,113 pesos Colinas de San Javier, 13,081 pesos Fuente:'

Rentals in Guadalajara

In Guadalajara, the most expensive neighborhoods in terms of monthly rent are found in the areas of Zapopan Southeast and in the Minerva Zone.

Propiedades e inmuebles en renta en Jalisco - Inmuebles24

The rent of Residencial Virreyes amounts to 16,948 pesos; Puerta de Hierro subdivision at 16,249 pesos; Providence 4th Section at 14,565 pesos; Country Club, 14,113 pesos and Colinas de San Javier 13,081 pesos.

May be an image of outdoors and text that says 'MONTERREY (San Pedro Garza García) Fuentes del Valle a 21,920 pesos mensuales Valle Oriente a 21,823 pesos Valle de Campestre 20,721 pesos Villas San Agustín 20,138 pesos. uente:Inmuebles -ETELCEO'


According to Inmuebles24, in Monterrey, Nuevo León, the four most expensive neighborhoods in terms of rent are in the municipality of San Pedro Garza García.

With Fuentes del Valle at 21,920 pesos; Valle Oriente at 21,823 pesos; Valle de Campestre 20,721 pesos and Villas San Agustín 20,138 pesos.

May be an image of outdoors and text that says 'QUERÉTARO Fracc Lomas del Marqués 13,999 pesos mensuales Fracc Balcones del Acueducto 13,310 pesos Residencial El Campanario 13,486 pesos Miradores 12,022 pesos Fuentenmuebles'

Querétaro, with lower value rents

Of all the analyses of Inmuebles24, Querétaro was the city that showed the most expensive rental prices, but of lower value compared to the other three cities analyzed.

Fracc Lomas del Marqués amounts to 13,999 pesos; Fracc Balcones del Acueducto 13,310 pesos; Residencial El Campanario 13,486 pesos and Miradores 12,022 pesos.

Los “Caminos de Querétaro” ya cuentan con señalética - Living And Travel

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