GUADALAJARA, Jalisco. October 31, 2021.-As a result of the operation in the Guadalajara pantheons for the Day of the Dead festivities, the municipal government of Guadalajara reported that this Sunday, October 31, at 6:00 p.m. that was the closing of the day, a white balance and capacity of 41 thousand 577 visitors were reported in the five municipal cemeteries, distributed as follows:
* Panteon Guadalajara: 23 thousand 496 visitors.
* Panteon Mezquitán: 6,210 visitors.
* Panteon Garden: 9,174 visitors.
* Panteon San Andrés: thousand 55 visitors.
* San Joaquín Panteon: 1,642 visitors.
In addition, to maintain the order of commerce in the public thoroughfare, personnel from the Inspection and Surveillance departments, and Tianguis and Commerce in Open Spaces made the warning and withdrawal of 36 commercial transactions, such as seasonal flowers, food, advertising propaganda, and sale of masks and religious articles; for lacking permission for its operation and for security measures, avoiding the installation of food outlets in the vicinity of the entrances to the pantheons.
Of these 36 business lines, 22 were installed in the Guadalajara Panteon, eight in the Jardin Panteon, and 6 more in the Mezquitán Panteon.
In addition, in the Panteon of Mezquitán Inspection and Surveillance personnel carried out the removal of six trucks used as a warehouse, which were obstructing the public highway.
For their part, elements of the Municipal Coordination of Civil Protection and Guadalajara Firefighters carried out the removal of a swarm of bees in the San Joaquín panteon.
Personnel from the unit and elements of the Guadalajara Police Station will remain overnight in order to inhibit the installation of informal commerce at the entrance to the Guadalajara panteon.
The Guadalajara authorities recall that the capacity allowed by the state Health Board is 70 percent, with the exception of the Panteon of Mezquitán, where the capacity was reduced to 50 percent due to areas susceptible to subsidence, which will be closed to the public.
The Operation Day of the Dead 2021 in Guadalajara will be active from October 30 to November 2, with opening hours in the cemeteries from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Due to the entry of winter hours, the pantheons will begin to be vacated at 5:30 p.m.
More than 630 public servants from more than 10 municipal agencies such as Public Services, Municipal Police, Civil Protection and Firefighters, Municipal Medical Services, Inspection and Surveillance, DIF Guadalajara, among others, participate in this device.