Puerto Vallarta prepared for summer in safety and cleanliness


The interim president of Puerto Vallarta, Jorge Antonio Quintero Alvarado, informed that before the next holiday season the destination is being prepared in terms of safety and cleanliness to receive the thousands of visitors who will be arriving in the city.

“We have the coordination to work together with the different health and safety institutions of the state and federation, and we are preparing with constant beach cleaning by Municipal Public Services.”

In this regard, he stressed that the beaches are being monitored for enterococci every fortnight and talks are being held with the Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks of the State of Jalisco so that there is a joint measurement so that they are suitable for recreational use this summer season.

On the other hand, he indicated that the main thing is the tourist promotion is what is being done so that people travel to this city and spend the best vacations since part of the economic reactivation for Puerto Vallarta depends on the visitors.

In this sense, he emphasized that through the Directorate of Inspection and Regulations, the verifications of businesses continue to ensure that they comply with all health measures.

It is worth mentioning that they project for the summer season that the occupancy is above 60%, both in the national and international markets, as well as increasing the capacity in some sectors of the city.

Source: tribunadelabahia.com.mx

The Guadalajara Post