Mexican government prepares Declaration of Emergency due to drought in Jalisco


Due to 68% of the Jalisco territory currently in a state of “severe drought”, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) sees an emergency declaration as “imminent” from the Federal Government.

“We are living in a situation that had not been experienced, according to this report from the federal government, the drought is the worst in at least the last decade for Jalisco,” said the governor through a message he shared on his social networks.

He explained that the Inter-ministerial Commission for the Attention of Droughts and Floods of the López Obrador administration released a diagnosis that offers details about the desperate situation that the State is going through with the current climate and drought.

“In the following days, this week, according to what the federal government informs me, the government will declare an emergency due to drought,” said the Governor of Jalisco.

He pointed out that it is a serious environmental breach, but that from the local level they address the problem of water shortages in the Guadalajara Metropolitan Area (AMG) “promoting a reorganization of the water distribution system for the city”, before the low level of the Calderón Dam, which has mainly affected the neighborhoods located in the eastern and northern areas of the city.

The governor admitted that there is still a deficit of 468 liters per second in the distribution system, which is why he called on the population to make rational use of water in order to contribute to its care.

“We must save as much as possible and understand that we still have two very tough months ahead of us. We are improving, since the civil works of the Acuaférico have been completed and the tests are being carried out to be able to articulate this system and reduce the impact of the shortage ”.

Puerto Vallarta is asked to conserve water in drought

Last week, SEAPAL, the entity in charge of Puerto Vallarta’s sewage and water, asks the public to conserve water due to the sudden drop in groundwater levels and the limited availability of water in rivers derived from the dry season and drought currently being experienced in the region.

Seapal operational director, Óscar Castellón Rodríguez, explained that in addition to the drought, there is an affectation in the Radial Well due to the indiscriminate extraction of stone materials at its confluence, which has caused a decrease in its capacity, which initially was of 600 liters per second, to 132 today.

Source: NTR Guadalajara

The Guadalajara Post