Bars and restaurants will not extend hours in Puerto Vallarta for holidays


Unlike other years, this time there will be no extension of hours for bars and restaurants during Christmas and New Years in Puerto Vallarta

Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco.

Unlike other years, this time there will be no extension of hours for bars and restaurants during Christmas and the end of the year in Puerto Vallarta, according to the head of the Inspection and Regulations Directorate, José Juan Velázquez Hernández, who explained that these establishments will have to close no later than 2:00 in the morning and meeting the 50% capacity.

Likewise, Velázquez Hernández announced that the installation of the Christmas tianguis was approved, as well as the increase in the capacity of hotels in the city that passed to 75%, an increase that benefits the sector that awaits the arrival of tourism during this season vacation.

Velázquez Hernández pointed out that the agency under his charge will be aware that the provisions established by the health authorities in the state are respected in order to avoid contagion risks during these December holidays.


The Guadalajara Post