Which are the Mexican states with the highest murder rates


In Mexico, from January to October six states concentrate 52 percent of the victims of intentional homicide.

In Mexico, from January to October six states concentrate 52 percent of the victims of intentional homicide, however, “the exponential growth that came from 2015 slowed down,” Ricardo Mejía, undersecretary of Public Safety and Citizen Protection, reported this morning. 

At a press conference of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, in the National Palace, the official announced the states in which the highest number of homicides were registered in the country. These are:


Baja California

State of Mexico




The person in charge of the agency’s office, after the departure of Alfonso Durazo, affirmed that there are “states with less than one victim of daily homicide such as the cases of Yucatan, Baja California, Campeche, Tlaxcala.”

Homicides in municipalities

According to Ricardo Mejía, 15 municipalities concentrate almost a third of the total homicides , Tijuana, Juárez, Culiacán and Cajeme being 28.7 percent “which means that in the rest of the 2,465 there is the other 70 percent.”

In 21 states of the country the total number of intentional homicides has decreased and increased in 11, that is, in two thirds it has decreased. 

“The criminal incidence of the federal jurisdiction, since the administration began there is a marked downward trend that comes from before the pandemic, some critics said that due to the pandemic, no. It was already down and continues to be maintained,” he commented .

Robbery, violence and organized crime 

The official indicated that of 11 federal crimes, 10 presented a decrease, in addition to the increase in organized crime, which “has to do with the fact that more cases linked to organized crime have been prosecuted.” Of 18 high-impact crimes, 15 show a decrease. Among them:

Robbery of public transport (40 percent)

Kidnapping (36.6 percent)

Cattle theft (26.6 percent)

Vehicle theft (24.6 percent)

Robbery from passersby (23.8 percent)

House robbery (23.3 percent) 

While, compared to 2019, femicide increased 1.5 percent and domestic violence 3.4 percent.  

More than 500 graves in 8 months

So far this six-year term, 352 illegal burial sites and 594 clandestine graves have been located , reported Alejandro Encinas Rodríguez, undersecretary of Human Rights, Population and Migration of the Ministry of the Interior (Segob).

When presenting the Report on the National Registry of clandestine graves and verification of bodies, he said that 706 bodies have been exhumed, of which 206 have already been delivered to their families.

Source: milenio.com

Mexico Daily Post