San Miguel de Allede underpass “El Pipila” will be open on time


They assured it will be delivered in a timely manner at the end of November.

puente pipila

San Miguel de Allende, Gto. Among the actions completed, the paving of the four lanes of the uneven section stands out. As well as the concrete lining of the 740 piles that make up the retaining walls, to which the blacksmithing for the pedestrian safety rails is being installed.

The ‘El Pípila’ overpass is an important work as it is the main access to Querétaro and Celaya.

San Miguel de Allende: Construcción de glorieta el pipila

With this visit, there are already 17 meetings between virtual and face-to-face, which the municipal and state authorities have had with the construction company in follow-up of this great project.

The state governor, Rodríguez Vallejo, took the opportunity to congratulate the construction company and the municipality for working in a timely manner.

“I am supervising this work that is very advanced and that we are practically a month away from completion. Seeing the quality with which it is being carried out, I want to congratulate the construction company because it is doing a great job, as well as the municipality of San Miguel, ”said the governor, Diego Sinhue.

The municipality and the state reiterate their commitment to continue working All Together to deliver quality works, in a timely manner; to make Guanajuato the Greatness of Mexico.


San Miguel Post