of that total, 32 people were jailed for not complying with said official provision in force since October 16.
Juchitán de Zaragoza.— In just four days since the program ” 30 days for your family and your
economy. Mandatory use of face masks” began, in Puerto Escondido and the entire
tourist area that includes the municipality of San Pedro Mixtepec In the Oaxaca Coast, 204 people have already been arrested for not wearing masks, and its administration has collected up to 24 thousand pesos for payment of fines.

This campaign of mandatory use of face masks that started on October 16 , throughout the
municipality of San Pedro Mixtepec, seeks to reinforce all the guidelines and protocols that prevent the spread of Covid-19 for beaches, restaurants, shopping centers and other ordered municipalities, due to the increase in cases of this disease in the state.
To this end, the municipal authority informed people who are detained for not wearing face masks in public places must pay a fine of 150 pesos or perform community work, in case they refuse to do so, they will have to spend time in prison.
According to the report of the San Pedro Mixtepec authority, which feeds on data from its tourist destinations such as the city of Puerto Escondido, Bajos de Chila and its municipal seat, from October 16 to 19, 204 people were arrested for not wearing face masks, of which 163 paid their respective fines, the amount collected by them now amounts to 24,450 pesos
In addition, 32 people had to be imprisoned for refusing to pay the fine for this offense, of which nine of them did community work. In the daily report of the city council, it was reported that just yesterday, Monday, October 19, 28 people were arrested for disregarding the mandatory use of face masks, a measure that will last 30 days.
When announcing this measure last week, the Mixtepec city council pointed out that what is sought with this is not having to resort to restrictive measures such as the closure of beaches or the suspension of commercial activity, which affect human rights and economic activity of the city, so they appealed to the responsibility of citizens under the slogan “public health is everyone’s responsibility.”
The foregoing in reference to the decision of Santa María Colotepec to close all tourist activity on the most famous beaches of this destination, such as Bahía Principal and Zicatela, since the city of Puerto Escondido is located in the territory of both municipalities, Mixtepec and Colotepec
While in Mixtepec, Freddy Gil Pineda Gopar, municipal president, informed EL UNIVERSAL that in
this municipality some beaches such as Carrizalillo, Puerto Angelito, Manzanillo and Bacocho operate at 40% of their capacity.
According to the Oaxaca Health Services (SSO), the Costa region has a cumulative record of 988
positive cases of Covid-19 and 82 deaths; while San Pedro Mixtepec has 183 accumulated cases and 18 deaths from the disease.
While the entity registered 19 thousand 838 infections of the disease derived from the new type of coronavirus until Monday and one thousand 576 accumulated deaths
Arrested for not wearing a mask in Puerto Escondido

When the municipal police made their tour through the streets of Puerto Escondido, they saw a lady without the mask but when they invited her to use it and they found it responsive.
At the time of his arrest someone took his photo and uploaded it to the networks causing many people to go against the municipal police of San Pedro Mixtepec, calling it police brutality, since it was not the way to treat a lady, where it was not It was only photos also videos that circulate on networks.

Faced with these criticisms, the police circulate a statement explaining that the events that occurred on the 4th west street, almost at the corner of the north 10th street, where the police asked the woman to use the mask, however she refused and scratched a police officer, which is why for which it was submitted, they point out.
What has caused the mask in Huatulco, Pochutla and now in Puerto Escondido, where citizens accuse the authorities of being arrogant and acting in a very aggressive manner.
The one who has done the worst is the president of Pochutla who, due to lack of tact to act with her own citizens, who are very upset with Saymi Pineda, to the extent that they say “but here I wait for her when she wants the vote again.”
Since the beginning of the pandemic, wearing a mask is recommended by health specialists to prevent the spread of COVID-19 .
In many places, wearing a mask is more of a recommendation than an obligation, but in Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca, you can be arrested and fined for not wearing your mask, just like Derek, a travel influencer from the OffGrid Secrets channel on YouTube.
Derek recounted in a video that the Puerto Escondido police arrested him for not putting on the mask in the correct way.
“I was smoking on a bench with my mask on my chin, when they grabbed me by the arm and I asked them what was wrong and they said ‘you are not wearing your mask,'” he explained.
The influencer later said that they put him in a van, along with seven other people who were caught on the way to the police station where they arrested him.
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“The policemen kept grabbing everyone who did not wear face masks, it didn’t matter if you were a woman, a child or an old man,” he mentioned.
However, he pointed out that he did not believe this was a measure to protect people from COVID-19, but rather a method of extorting people and stealing money from them.
“They want to protect people from COVID, but they put you in a cell full of urine and feces, along with ten people without a shirt and no mask,” he explained.
He also mentioned that while he was detained, the officers did not use gloves to grab the things he carried in his backpack and did not give face masks to the people in the cell.
In addition, he said that he went to the first one they arrested and the last one they let out after 3 hours and after paying a fine of 150 pesos.
According to Reforma , the authorities of San Pedro Mixtepec, a municipality where part of Puerto Escondido is located, agreed that people who do not wear face masks could be punished with an arrest and a fine of 150 pesos.
The measure, which began to be applied since last October 16, will be in force for 30 days.
Source: oaxaca.eluniversal.com.mx, animal.mx, elpinero.mx