Do not be fooled! Profeco finds non-butter products sold as real butter


Profeco presented the list of butter brands that deceive the consumer; there will be penalties

Mexico.- In a new study, the Federal Consumer Protection Agency (Profeco) detected butters that are not butter.

And it is that through the quality study carried out on butters and other spreadable dairy products, the federal agency found some brands that incur advertising and misleading information, as they are not what they say on their labels, so the respective administrative sanction procedure.

What are the brands?

The National Laboratory for Consumer Protection found in its analysis 35 brands of this type, that the product Chipilo / Butter from cow’s milk 90g, contains vegetable fat; while Selecto BRAND / Pure pasteurized butter of cow with salt 90g, Selecto BRAND / Pure pasteurized butter of cow without salt 90g, and Soriana / Butter without salt 90g, misuse the name of butter. None of these four products is butter.

The false products were subject to administrative acts for infractions of the Federal Law on Consumer Protection and are in the process of the corresponding sanction.

Among other observations, the Profeco laboratory found that the product Chedraui / Style butter pasteurized with salt of 225 g, which highlights the word butter on its label, and in small letters it shows to be “style” so it can be misleading or consumer confusion.

Likewise, the label of the product La Abuelita / Spreads of butter without salt of 250g., Is misleading, since next to the brand it stands out, in large letters, “spreadable butter”, and it is a mixture of butter with vegetable fat .

The following products do not meet the regulatory requirement (NOM-086-SSA1-1994), as they must reduce at least 25% fat compared to their original product:

  • Gloria / Low fat spread butter, made with cow’s milk fat / Mexico / 250 g., Should have a maximum of 60% fat and contain 65% fat.
  • Gloria / Reduced fat butter made from cow’s milk fat / Mexico / 90 g., Should have a maximum of 60% fat and contain 67% fat.
  • Great Value / Reduced fat butter made from cow’s milk / Mexico / 90 g., Should have a maximum of 60% fat and contain 69% fat.
  • La Abuelita / Butter reduced in fat made from cow’s milk fat / Mexico / 90 g., Should have a maximum of 60% fat and contain 69% fat.

Regarding the declared net content, the study revealed that all the products complied; in the same way, no butters were found with oxidation problems of fats (free fatty acids) that cause the change of their aroma and flavor.

Regarding the salt content, all of them complied with the provisions of the regulations to be able to show themselves “with salt” or “without salt”.

The study, which can be consulted in number 520 of the Consumer Magazine, corresponding to this June, included 23 butters (17 without salt and six with salt), a product called butter-style, six spreads, one butter with vegetable fat and four reduced in fat.

These products underwent 328 tests, evaluating consumer information, salt content and regulations, in which the content of water and fat was measured; in addition to compounds that can affect the flavor or aroma (free fatty acids) and type of fat with which they are made, since to be called butter the fat must be of dairy origin.

When buying one of these products, Profeco recommends that the expiration date be verified, that the container be in perfect condition and that it be refrigerated; choose between those containing salt and without salt, according to your tastes and nutritional needs.

It is advisable to moderate its consumption, since it is abundant in saturated fat, in addition to containing cholesterol. It is also necessary to avoid using them at high temperatures, since burning can lead to toxic substances (acrolein).

Yes these are real butter

The Profeco explained that the brands that are butter are Flor de Alfalfa without salt and Lyncott without salt, since both have 84% fat from cow’s milk.

They also passed the test in the unsalted butter category: Alpura, 90 grams; White Cow, 90 grams, Lala, 90 grams; Gloria Gourmet, 225 grams; the 360 ​​gram box of Gloria with salt; Président and Gloria spreadable with 250 grams.

Likewise, the 90 gram bar of Aguascalientes; Irlandesa Kerrygold 200 grams, Lurpack Dinamarca 100 grams and Gloria Ghee 250 grams.


The Mazatlan Post