Governors Defy AMLO Plans for Reopening Mexico


Several governors have raised their hands in favor of having their own traffic lights, but Segob and Salud have asked to continue with the provisions of the federal government.

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The epidemiological traffic light that the federal government established as part of the plan to return to activities, which it has called the “new normal” and which will start on June 1, has generated rejection by the states, who ask to have control over this measure

Plan gradual hacia la Nueva Normalidad

However, the federal authorities have insisted that there should be no regional or state traffic lights and that all governments should adhere to the traffic light that the Andrés Manuel López Obrador government has already determined.

This Tuesday, the Secretary of the Interior, Olga Sánchez Cordero, held a virtual meeting with the National Conference of Governors (Conago) where the path to this “new normality” was evaluated.

At the conclusion of the meeting, Sánchez Cordero asked the governors to follow the epidemiological light set by the federal government, given the intention of some state governments to implement their own economic reactivation measures. “The answer is blunt: the traffic light is federal,” said the head of the country’s internal policy.

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In that sense, the Undersecretary of Health, Hugo López-Gatell, clarified during the afternoon conference at the National Palace that there should be a single national traffic light, because if different methodologies are used then things will be evaluated differently and patterns of occurrence will be recognized of different disease.

López-Gatell mentioned that states may determine additional provisions that tighten sanitary regulation or sanitary management of the epidemic, but not provisions that relax federal provisions.


The governors’ response was immediate. One of the first to react was the President of Jalisco, Enrique Alfaro, who for the past week presented his own economic recovery plan.

In an interview with Radio Fórmula, the governor expressedthat in Jalisco there is only one traffic light, which is defined by the state government together with the specialists who make up the health table to make these decisions.

“We are prepared (for the economic reactivation on June 1) and this confusion of messages cannot continue giving that the only thing they do is generate more fear, more anxiety in the population, so we must be more forceful without sounding like a lawsuit, in Jalisco we made the decisions here and we have done so from the beginning, “he added.

Alfaro also expressed on Twitter that after the May 13 president of Mexico expressed respect for the decisions of the states and their municipalities, taking into account their own characteristics, he outlined his strategy.

“There are no two traffic lights or two plans to follow. In Jalisco we have made decisions with the University of Guadalajara and with our specialists, and the results are positive …. Despite the fact that Mexico is going through one of the most difficult times of the pandemic, here we have taken good care of the health and life of the people of Jalisco. That is why we are ready to start our economic recovery gradually and with great care, “he stressed.

The president announced that while there will be respect and communication with the federation, there will be no subordination, so on Friday night he will give a message to all Jaliscienses to explain what is coming from June 1.


Meanwhile, Francisco Cabeza de Vaca, Governor of Tamaulipas, defended that in this entity there is a traffic light by region and that the last word to decide whether or not to reactivate some sectors is the state government itself.

The president expressed in an interview with Radio Formula that he has put on the table “the fact that they must take into account the pulse that each state has” since in Tamaulipas there cannot be a traffic light for the entire entity.

“The federal government cannot make generalized decisions from the center since the epidemic behaves differently in the different regions of the state,” said Cabeza de Vaca.


Mauricio Vila, Yucatan president, commented in an interview with Imagen Noticias that in order to determine the color of the epidemiological traffic light, there must be an agreement between federal and state authorities.

He explained that every Wednesday the federal Secretary of Health will contact the state governments to give them the methodology by which the traffic light of each entity will be obtained with the idea of ​​reaching a consensus and on Thursday to publicize the indicator.
Both the president of Yucatan and that of Tamaulipas are part of the National Confederation of Governors of National Action (GOAN) that this Wednesday expressed that the agreements reached with the federal government on Tuesday are:

  • Include state criteria, data and opinions
  • Have state consensus pre-release on Thursday
  • That the states reserve their power to tighten criteria to protect families.

Regarding who and how the color of the epidemiological traffic light in the entities will be determined, Vila asked the Ministry of Health for public ratification of this agreement.

GOAN is also made up of Diego Sinhue Rodríguez Vallejo, Governor of Guanajuato; Francisco Domínguez Servién, from Querétaro; Carlos Joaquín González, from Quintana Roo; Martín Orozco Sandoval, from Aguascalientes; Carlos Mendoza Davis, from Baja California Sur; and Javier Corral Jurado, from Chihuahua.


This Wednesday, the morenista Miguel Barbosa retracted the idea he had announced last week to establish a state traffic light, as he said, in a video conference call, “in Puebla the federal government will not be neglected or create a different route.”

“The only traffic light in Puebla is the federal one and that is what we assume,” said Barbosa.

However, he pointed out that Puebla is one of the entities that should not be seen as uniregional, since it has areas with different conditions such as poverty, population, hospitals, the infected, the deceased.

“The procedure to analyze the regions of the state is a regional monitoring system of the state of Puebla and the other is the issue of economic reactivation that we are interested in that is in an orderly manner throughout the state,” he said.


The Mazatlan Post