Puerto Vallarta is getting ready to host the 12th International Charro Championship


Starting next Wednesday, January 31, it will be one of the most important events of charrería

Once again, Puerto Vallarta will host one of the most important tournaments of charrería, the national sport par excellence. The twelfth edition of the International Charro Championship Puerto Vallarta, which on this occasion will distribute a purse of 2 million pesos among the winners, will be from January 31 to February 4, having once again as venue the Arena Vallarta of the Hacienda Serena, located on the road to Las Palmas in the town of El Colorado.

The first time this tournament was held, 26 teams of charros and 12 of escaramuzas participated, while in this edition 43 male teams and 30 female teams will participate, which is evidence of the success and importance that this event has been gaining at the national and international level.

This family show is held in first-class facilities. Arena Vallarta, in addition to being a fully roofed enclosure, has a gastronomic area where restaurants of different specialties offer dishes for all tastes and budgets, a commercial area where you can buy both charrería items and souvenirs of the same championship and a children’s area where qualified staff is in charge of the children performing activities to entertain them according to their age.

By having Puerto Vallarta as the venue, this event has the incentive of having the perfect environment for a vacation with activities for the whole family, making it even more attractive. One of the most anticipated moments is the traditional maleconeada, where all the charros and escaramuzas take a walk along the boardwalk of Puerto Vallarta.

Alfonso Bernal, president of the Organizing Committee, pointed out that this tournament is also a tourist attraction at the international level: “we have received calls from foreigners who want to know the dates of the event to schedule their trips to Mexico during the celebration of the same”, he said.

It should be noted that this edition of the tournament will be an event with a cause, since the Breast Cancer Foundation will donate 200 mammograms for the attendees and the Foundation Juntos Avanzamos, will give glasses to people with limited resources.

In a press conference, the general coordinator of the tournament, José de Jesús Palacios Bernal, thanked the mention that the Director of the Puerto Vallarta Trust, Luis Villaseñor, made of the tournament on the occasion of the recent meeting of the Municipal Tourism Advisory Council, where he said that Puerto Vallarta has a series of events that are number one at the level of all the beach tourist destinations and mentioned specifically the International Charro Championship Hacienda Serena Puerto Vallarta as one of the ones that stand out.

The support of Mtra. Claudia Vanessa Pérez Lamas, Secretary of Tourism of Jalisco, who has always provided her support to help the International Charro Tournament of Hacienda Serena, to consolidate as one of the annual events that attract thousands of visitors to the destination year after year, was also recognized.

For more information about this event: www.haciendaserena.com.mx

Source: Contra Linea