Judge issues provisional suspension of bullfighting in Guadalajara


A judge from Jalisco ruled the precautionary suspension of bullfighting activity in its capital, Guadalajara, which forces the Nuevo Progreso bullring to cancel the bullfights scheduled for this November 26 and December 3.

“In accordance with the Judicial decision, EMSA announces the cancellation of the bullfights scheduled for next November 26 and December 3,” the company Espectáculos de Monterrey Sociedad Anónima (EMSA), which manages the bullring, issued in a statement from Nuevo Progreso, Guadalajara.

EMSA is also responsible for the bullrings in Mexico City, Monterrey, Aguascalientes and León, among others.

In this Sunday’s bullfight the Spanish rejoneador Pablo Hermoso de Mendoza was announced along with his son Guillermo Hermoso de Mendoza and the Mexican gentleman Fauro Aloi.

EMSA announced the start of the resources “at its disposal to reverse this situation.”

The Nineteenth District Judge of Jalisco, Luis Alberto Márquez, informed the Guadalajara city council of the provisional suspension. Its interim mayor, Francisco Ramírez Salcido, assured that the notification will be carried out.

The cancellation was granted by the 19th district court in favor of animal rights groups, such as the promoters of the protection, AnimaNaturalis.

The protection filed in the Jalisco court has as its object the Guadalajara city council, unlike what happens in Mexico City, where another association achieved the provisional stoppage of bullfighting activity in the Monumental Plaza México.

In both cases the suspensions are provisional while the underlying claim is resolved.

At this time, the hopes of the bullfighting sector are placed in the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN).

It is expected that in the near future there will be a decision from the SCJN on this type of precautionary suspension, which affects the economic and cultural activity such as the celebration of bullfights.

The Nuevo Progreso plaza is considered one of the three most important in the country, and has been hosting bullfighting celebrations for 56 years. The bullring is in the middle of the bullfighting season, which was to end on December 3 with a bullfight for winners.

Source: Forbes