The worst Mexico Auto, life and medical insurance companies


Auto insurance was the product with the most complaints, followed by life and medical expenses.

In 2021, 32,323 claims against insurers were reported to the National Commission for the Protection and Defense of Financial Services Users ( Condusef ), with nine insurance companies out of the 112 companies of this type operating in the country, which concentrated the 72% of the claims made before this supervisory body. 

QuálitasGNPMetLife MéxicoAxa SegurosChubbSeguros BanorteZurich SantanderMapfreBBVA Seguros and Citibanamex Seguros, are the insurers that concentrated most of the disagreements.

According to the report on the behavior of insurers as of December 2021, the main causes for which claims were filed were: refusal to pay compensation with 22%, non-conformity with the time for the repair of the affected asset 16%, and disagreement with the amount of compensation 11 percent.

“Considering the most relevant insurers, in 2021 Mexico City presented the highest number of claims with 5,528, equivalent to 24%, followed by Jalisco with 6% equivalent to 1,398 claims,” ​​the Commission reported.

The most requested products were auto insurance with 44% participation, individual life with 34%, and major medical expenses with 7%. In turn, the highest percentages of favorable resolution by-product were: 32% in individual life, 17% in personal accidents, and 16% for group life.

During the mentioned period, the insurance companies where the highest resolutions in favor of users were reported were MetLife Mexico with 38%, Citibanamex Seguros with 35%, and Zurich Santander with 27 percent.

Those that had a higher resolution in favor of the users

  • MetLife Mexico with 38%
  • Citibanamex Seguros with 35%
  • Zurich Santander with 27%


Mexico Daily Post