Citizens exhibit the poor state of police patrols in Puerto Vallarta


Through a video that was sent to CPS Noticias and Tribuna de la Bahía, citizens report the poor condition of a Public Security unit that circulates and patrols the city, shocked and blowing clouds of polluting smoke. 

In said footage, the PV-354 unit appears moving along the entrance avenue at Military Zone 41, apparently crashed on the driver’s side, dirty and polluting through the emission of gases from the burning of hydrocarbons. 

The person who sent the video reports the lack of maintenance of the vehicles and how permissive the authorities are because they are units for government use, since:

“If it had been a citizen who circulated under those conditions, he would have already been infracted and fined.”  

Given the obvious damage to the environment, citizens have demanded that the unit be taken out of circulation and repaired as soon as possible, since patrolling the city is also important. 

Given this complaint, the Social Communication Office of Citizen Security of Puerto Vallarta was contacted to provide reports from the unit, who indicated that they already have the report and are taking action on the matter. 

It was reported that the municipal workshop has already been notified so that it can be given the corresponding service, it is only waiting for the spare parts. 

It was also clarified that it is only one unit that is in that state and work is being done so that it is repaired as soon as possible and no longer causes further damage to the environment and the image of the municipality. 

For now, the unit remains in service until the spare parts arrive and will be sent to the municipal workshop. 


The Guadalajara Post