SCAM!! This guy goes by Isaac or Greg and who knows what other names. He pretends to have lawyers at a fake firm called Parker-Pheonix Associates that will help you get 4 years temporary residency.

Khon G was arrested in Playa del Carmen after a citizen complaint leads to an investigation. Kohn G was found advertising the sale of vaccination certificates for 4,000 pesos each. He also allegedly offered to supply the vaccine for the same price.

It seems now he is praying on expats or tourists with expired visas desperate to stay in Mexico and being conned out of large sums of money.

May be an image of text that says 'XICO Parker-Phoenix Phoenix Associates INNNON Get your NGGN × *4 year Temporary Residency or Permanent Residency SAN NOW!!! 52984 182 5313 info@parker-phoenix.com phoenix.com www.parker-phoenix.com'
May be an image of 2 people, people standing, outdoors, tree and text that says '4:21 23% Greg Kohn in Awake in Mexico Greg Kohn Message Member of Awake in Mexico since January 25, 2022 Group Badges New member Recent Activity Greg Kohn -I commented on your post: "Well this lovely'
May be an image of 1 person and text

May be an image of 1 person and text that says '6:37 greg kohn 88% All Posts × People Groups Events Photos Videos State Attorney General's Office of Quintana Roo reports that investigative agents captured Kohn' G foreign origin for the crime of falsifying and using fake documentation of vaccination certificates that he fraudulently announced on social media. was already made available the Public Prosecutor who will define its legal status in the next few hours. Show Original Rate translation FGE QUINTANAROO Kohn "G" FGE QUINTANAROO GE FGE UINTANAR FGL 32 Like 49 comments Comment Send Expats & Locals in San Cristobal, Chiapas Join'

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