Sonoran Association of Tours Operators denounced the extortion of the tourist by police


Hermosillo, Sonora.- Julio César Rascón Torres, President of the Sonoran Association of Tours Operators, denounced the extortion of tourists who pass through the border municipalities by elements of the municipal police.

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He pointed out that just over the weekend, taking a group of tourists who visited Peñasco and Sonoyta, they realized that on the highways, elements of the corporations were stopping the countrymen in many cases for no reason, just for the purpose of taking money from them, under threats of stopping their vehicle and taking them to the separations for alleged crimes or non-existent traffic offenses.

“We were in Sonoyta, we saw some patrols that were very active, stopping cars with North American plates, it was very annoying, very uncomfortable to see that they were disturbing the tourists, for no reason, I talked to one of them, they were not asking for the papers, they were asking for a mochada “bribe”. This happens and not just in Sonoyta, it is also in Nogales, in San Luis, and throughout the border, it is a shame and we’ve made a complaint to the municipal, state, and federal authorities, ”said Rascón Torres.

He expressed that if there is a lot of presence of the National Guard on the entire highway, a lot of security, but they don’t do anything.

He called on tourists to report, to take the name from the plaque of the elements of the police officers who stop them and the patrols to present their complaints on social networks and have a record of what is happening.

No description available.

They as individuals, who promote tourism, as indicated by the governments in turn, do their part, however, with these extortion actions of which the countrymen are subjected, they do not have the desire to return, in addition to the problems of insecurity that exists.

He regretted that this year the modules for the care of our countrymen “PAISANOS” that had been installed in various points of the road have been removed and where these people who travel to other parts of the State and the country were attended and also served so that in case of abuses, the corresponding complaints will be presented.

Now, these complaints cannot be made because the complaints, if presented, would be in the municipal police forces themselves where extortion takes place and nothing is done, instead of punishing the police, they protect them.

Take officer’s picture, unit number, police badge number, time, day; NEVRE PAY A BRIBE… REPORT

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The Sonora Post