Mexico minimum wages salaries effective as of January 1, 2021


The list of professional minimum wages in force as of January 1, 2021 was published on December 23 in the Official Gazette of the Federation; If you are a bricklayer, cashier, carpenter, baker, seamstress, driver, electrician or another, enter now and know it!

Mexico .- This Wednesday, December 23, in the edition of the Official Gazette of the Federation, the resolution of the Council of representatives of the National Commission of Minimum Wages was presented, which sets the general and professional salaries that will govern as of January 1, 2020.

It is important to indicate that article 123 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, in its section A), section VI, is imperative in indicating the attributes that the minimum wage must meet .

Article 90 of the Federal Labor Law in force includes this constitutional provision by establishing that the minimum wage must be sufficient to satisfy the normal needs of a head of the family in the material, social and cultural order, and to provide education mandatory for sons and daughters.

In the resolution of the National Minimum Wages Commission, which sets the general and professional salaries that will govern from January 1, 2020, it is established that:

For the purposes of applying minimum wages in the Mexican Republic there will be two geographic areas:

The geographic area of ​​the “Free Zone of the Northern Border”, made up of the following municipalities: Ensenada, Playas de Rosarito, Mexicali, Tecate, Tijuana and San Quintin, in the State of Baja California; San Luis Río Colorado, Puerto Peñasco, General Plutarco Elías Calles, Caborca, Altar, Sáric, Nogales, Santa Cruz, Cananea, Naco and Agua Prieta, in the State of Sonora; Janos, Ascensión, Juárez, Práxedis G. Guerrero, Guadalupe, Coyame del Sotol, Ojinaga and Manuel Benavides, in the State of Chihuahua; Ocampo, Acuña, Zaragoza, Jiménez, Piedras Negras, Nava, Guerrero and Hidalgo, in the State of Coahuila de Zaragoza; Anáhuac, in the State of Nuevo León; and Nuevo Laredo, Guerrero, Mier, Miguel Alemán, Camargo, Gustavo Díaz Ordaz, Reynosa, Río Bravo, Valle Hermoso and Matamoros, in the State of Tamaulipas.

The geographic area of ​​the “Rest of the country”, made up of the rest of the country’s municipalities and the mayors of Mexico City that were not listed in the previous point and make up the Mexican Republic.

In addition, the general minimum wages that will be effective as of January 1, 2021, will increase by 15%, in the two areas described in the first operative paragraph, therefore, they will be 213.39 pesos per day per day of work in the area geographical area of ​​the Free Zone of the Northern Border, whose increase is made up of 15.75 pesos of MIR plus a factor for fixing 6%, and for the Rest of the country the general minimum wage will be 141.70 pesos per day, per day of work, whose increase is made up of 10.46 pesos of MIR plus 6% increase for fixation. These amounts will be those that appear in the Resolution of this Council, which will be published in the Official Gazette of the Federation as the minimum amount that workers must receive in cash.

So if you find yourself on this list you can now check the minimum wage that you should receive as of January 1, 2021. If you want to know in detail the activities that are established, we suggest you go to this page where they are announced

Among other points that were reasoned for voting on these salaries, 14 points were taken into account by the employer sector, including the following:

  1. The increase in minimum wages must be taken with the greatest possible responsibility, seriousness and rationality.
  2. The proposal of the employer sector has been to promote adjustments to the general minimum wage, in a gradual and progressive manner, when the circumstances of the economy have been conducive to the recovery of its level in real terms. This process of gradual and progressive increase began in December 2016 and was achieved with a tripartite agreement. The objective was that, as of 2019, the general minimum wage would cover 100% of the individual urban well-being line and that, as of 2020, the individual urban well-being line itself would be exceeded by 19%. And we fulfill the commitment.
  3. As always, it is important to underline the need to take care that salary increases and other related measures do not compromise price stability, in order to prevent an inflationary outbreak from damaging the real value of wages.
  4. Today we are faced with the exacerbation of another contingency that damages, and may continue to harm, workers and companies. The prevailing circumstances in the economy are dire. Currently, the country faces the risk of an acceleration of the contagion of the Covid-19 pandemic and the consequent closure of operations of more companies, with the danger of losing even more jobs. The size of the fall in gross domestic product is unprecedented under modern statistical techniques.
  5. Due to the difficult situation we are going through due to the pandemic, we are at the crossroads of preserving the largest number of jobs in an adverse economic environment, and seeing the possibility of generating new jobs as the recovery continues. It is clear that at this critical time facing our country, it is more important to maintain and recover jobs than to pursue an isolated objective of improving the salary of some at the cost of more informality and unemployment for many.

More information enter here

Mexico Daily Post