Three coffee plantations that you should visit in Chiapas


The Soconusco region is home to the aromas and flavors of the aromatic grain that awakens the world.

Chiapas smells and tastes like coffee. Among the highlands of the Soconusco region lies the grain that represents one of the richest treasures of our country. A gift of nature that surrounds this region and that can be discovered by following the ‘Coffee Route’.

If you consider yourself a coffee lover, Chiapas awaits you. The main coffee producer in our country offers the option of knowing in-depth the production of the bean, from its plantation to its roasting in the coffee farms in the area.

Going into the Soconusco region to get to know ‘The Coffee Route’ is one of the most interesting alternative tourism activities in Chiapas. The visitor will make his way through the jungle vegetation to discover the birth of this aromatic and gustatory treasure so popular in homes, in addition to having an approach to imposing natural postcards.


The landscapes that accompany ‘La Ruta del Café’ will surprise you.

Although there are several coffee farms in the area, two of them stand out for their historical legacy and the experience they offer. Both are part of this route that you cannot stop following on your next visit to Chiapas.

1. Finca Hamburgo

It is one of the most emblematic of Chiapas. Founded in 1888, it maintains the legacy of the German community of the Edelmann family. The influence of its European origin impacted what is now the architecture of a boutique hotel that offers extraordinary coffee tastings. Visitors will have the opportunity to contemplate the beautiful landscapes formed by the coffee plantations, in addition to exploring the La Isla Reserve, made up of two arms of the Cuilco River and the Chiripa Farm, the latter also owned by the Edelmann group. Within its facilities, there is a museum that will make a historical retrospective of the family’s legacy, with photographs and unique items.

Chiapas coffee

Some farms are equipped to spend the night inside their European-style cabins.

2. Finca Argovia

Another farm in the region that presents a European style. Located on the slopes of the Sierra Madre de Chiapas, it offers a combination of landscapes that allow you to appreciate the Tanacá volcano in the background and feel the aroma of the coffee plantations. It is also possible to be part of the coffee process. This place is one of the must-see places in ‘La Ruta del Café’.


Most coffee farms have experiences to spend the night or enjoy the flavors of coffee in tastings.

3. Finca Irlanda

Specialized in the production of premium organic coffee, it maintains a friendly behavior with its environment. Here it is prioritized that the ecosystem is not affected too much by coffee production. Finca Irlanda shows its commitment to preserving the area, so those who visit it will learn this other part behind the coffee.

Being immersed in ‘The Coffee Route’ allows you to know the diversity of products that nature provides. Not only coffee is the protagonist, but also cocoa, banana, and different varieties of flowers are harvested. This area of ​​Chiapas shows one of the richest destinations in biodiversity that, in addition, maintains a vigorous and incessant commercial relationship with Central America.


Discovering the secrets of coffee will be possible on the coffee farms.

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