Euro Peso exchange today in Mexico November 16


After the opening of the trading session, the euro is quoted at 12:00 hours at 23.99 Mexican pesos , so that it implied a decrease of 0.28% with respect to the value of the previous day, when it ended with 24.06 pesos Mexicans.

In relation to the last week, the euro accumulates a decrease of 0.12% ; on the contrary, for a year it still accumulates an increase of 15.4% . Regarding the changes of this day with respect to previous days, add three consecutive days in negative values. In the last week volatility was 10.35%, which is clearly lower than the annual volatility figure (17.01%), so we can say that it is going through a period of greater stability recently.

In the annual photo, the euro has been paid at a maximum of 27.22 Mexican pesos, while its lowest level has been 20.06 Mexican pesos. The euro is closer to its maximum than its minimum.


Mexico Daily Post