Dozens of dogs poisoned in Tlaquepaque, Jalisco


Don Luis is a dog lover, he shared his food and the space of a vacant lot with more than three dozen dogs in Colonia Los Olivos, municipality of San Pedro Tlaquepaque. A man who was supposed to be a benefactor gave him meat to feed the dogs, but Don Luis never imagined that the food was poisoned.

One by one his dogs died, they were the only family that this homeless man had in the world. Of the thirty-something dogs Don Luis used to have, only six survived. A female dog is pregnant and it is expected that as soon as the puppies are born and are of adequate age, he will give them up for adoption, he will not sell them.

“I am not interested in money. If I can give them a house where they are cared for and LOVED, ”says Don Luis convinced.

When the man gave them the meat, everything seemed to be an act of generosity on the part of a stranger.

“Everything seemed to be a good cause, but realizing that the food was poisoned was a terrible shame, because theSE DOGS were MY family”, Don Luis SAID.

In the face of the man’s tragedy, the neighbors have shown solidarity and organized the cleaning of their house in the vacant lot. 

There will be a demonstration called ” Justice for Don Luis “, this Saturday, November 14th, at 9 in the morning in front of the Jalisco Prosecutor’s Office.

“Local authorities must take action on the matter, those responsible have to be punished. In Jalisco, there is an Animal Protection State Law and I believe that it is important that justice is done and that this does not go unpunished because this criminal action was intentional and cruel”, declared Angélica Andrade, animal defender and activist from Guadalajara.

Source: El Heraldo de México

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