Feminists demand justice for the disappeared
During the march, ballots were placed with the data of Zayra Leticia Morales Loyola, who was last seen on Friday 23 in Santa María Xochixtlapilco, Huajuapan de León
OAXACA, Oaxaca.- Feminist collectives decided to break the confinement and took to the streets to demand justice for the 30 women reported missing in the state so far in October.

Accompanied by friends and family, they gathered in front of the government palace, where they placed a canvas and upholstered the walls of the Zócalo kiosk with ballots where they printed the general data of 29-year-old Zayra Leticia Morales Loyola, who was last seen Once on Friday the 23rd in Santa María Xochixtlapilco, Huajuapan de León.
“Daughter of my life, I love you, please come back, I am dying in life, my pain is great when I see that your children need you, please come back. Commend yourself a lot to God and to our most holy Mother, that our protector appears to you alive. Don’t lose hope, I love you Zayra, you are my baby, the youngest, I love you Zay ”, exclaimed the young woman’s mother.
Zayra’s case is only one of the 30 cases of women reported as missing in the state, according to data from the “Feministas de Oaxaca” collective.
According to the Unit for the Search for Disappeared and Unavailable Persons, Zayra has two tattoos as her particular marks, the figure of a viper with a flower on the inside of her left forearm and a heart on the inside of her right forearm, as well as scars on the lower abdomen area and a mole on the left cheek.
The day he disappeared, he was wearing a white sweatshirt with yellow figures, cream pants, white tennis shoes, and small earrings.
Given the slowness of the Oaxaca General Prosecutor’s Office to initiate the proceedings, feminists took to the streets due to the constant disappearances. So far in October alone, 30 women have disappeared, including Frida Pereyra Ramos, 14, who disappeared on Wednesday 7 in Pochutla; Zayra Leticia Morales Loyola, who disappeared on Friday 23, and Ingrid Patricia Pérez Hernández, 16 years old, who was last seen on Saturday 24 in Salina Cruz.
The Oaxacan organizations Mujeres de la Sal and Feministas de Oaxaca demand that the justice authorities deal with these disappearances urgently.
Data from the Unlocated Persons Search Unit of the Prosecutor’s Office specify that seven women are still in this condition and 26 were located this month.
This is not to mention the fact that in the last week three women were executed, bringing the number of murdered women to 86 from January 1 to October 28, 2020, according to figures from the “Rosario Castellanos” Group of Studies on Women (GESMujer).
Before concluding the protest in front of the government palace, it was announced that due to the inaction of the Prosecutor’s Office, “brigades were formed to search for Zayra. They went through the streets, vacant lots, rivers, roads, sidewalks, alleys, parcels, looking for any clue that leads them to find Zayra’s whereabouts, because the more time passes, the less are the chances of finding Zayra alive. “
Source: zonaroja.com.mx, proceso.com.mx