Guanajuato is the ideal birdwatching destination in central Mexico


• The state of Guanajuato has a great density of birds, considering the 2% of its territory in the Mexican Republic.

• In the state there is a great variety of ecosystems to appreciate birds, the main ones being: Coniferous forests, Scrublands, Grasslands, Cloud forests, Gallery forests, and Wetlands.

• As a tourist reactivation strategy, the Tourism Secretariat has been holding webinars since the pandemic began, to disseminate and promote the state’s attractions, products, services and tourist segments.

Birdwatching Guanajuato (Photo: Gobierno del Estado de Guanajuato)

The state of Guanajuato has great potential to attract tourists from the United States and Canada who practice Birdwatching or Bird photography. In addition, it has tour operators that guide visitors through this wonderful experience.

The Secretariat of Tourism, through the Coordination of Attention to Specialized Segments, carried out the webinar “Aviturismo en Guanajuato“, in charge of Rodrigo López Valdez, the tour operator “Guanajuato Birding Adventures” and the “Network of Bird Observers of Guanajuato”, who leads Bird Watching, Natural History and Culture Tours in central and southern Mexico.

In Guanajuato “more than 390 species of birds can be observed (35% of all species in Mexico), of which 30% are endemic; this properly operated segment leaves an important economic spill for the communities and forest rangers ”, said the tour operator.

Birdwatching Guanajuato (Photo: Gobierno del Estado de Guanajuato)

Some of the birds that are in fact endangered species, but that Guanajuatenses and tourists can observe in the state are: Green Macaw, Vireo Gorra Negra, Mascarita del Lerma, Mosquero del Balsas, Chorlo Nevado, American Stork, Águila Aura, Vireo Enano , Clarín Jilguero, Chipe Lores Negros, Mexican Duck, Pava Cojolita, Guajolote Norteño, among others.

Rodrigo López said that the 5 places in Guanajuato where the greatest variety of birds can be observed are: Botanical Garden “El Charco del Ingenio”, in San Miguel de Allende; Metropolitan Ecological Park of León; La Purísima Dam and Cerro del Cubilete, in Guanajuato Capital; Cañada de Negros Dam, in San Francisco del Rincón; however, the 32 Natural Protected Areas (ANP) in the state are ideal for this activity.

Birdwatching is the most practiced outdoor activity in the United States, in this North American country there are 82 million bird watchers, of which more than 9 million people are interested in leaving their country to discover more birds ”, stated Rodrigo López.

This segment of Tourism – which allows observing the physical features, behavior, and forms of birds – is promoted by SECTUR Guanajuato in conjunction with tour operators and the Guanajuato Nature and Adventure Tourism Association (ATNAG).

Birdwatching Guanajuato (Photo: Gobierno del Estado de Guanajuato)

Juan José Álvarez Brunel, Secretary of Tourism of the state of Guanajuato, thanked Rodrigo López for dedicating himself to identifying birds, highlighting the attributes of the state, and sharing this wonderful and unique experience that is lived in Guanajuato birdwatching destinations.

Source: Gobierno del Estado de Guanajuato

San Miguel Post