Durango needs certified tour guides


Currently, there are only 15 people who have certification, who cover topics ranging from culture to nature that exists in the region

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There is a lack of certified tourist guides in the state, currently, only 15 have such approval, said the head of the Undersecretariat of Tourism Planning and Development in the state, Rafael Sarmiento Aguirre, who explained that these range from the cultural issue to nature, therefore the importance that a greater number of people are interested in this profession.

Sitios Turísticos en Durango - TuriMexico

He added that both tour operators and guides certified in nature or adventure sports are needed, the main activity that tourists request in Durango. The state official stressed that most people want to go outside to do outdoor activities, which has resulted in reservations made until December.

Adventure Mexico.travel Durango destino de Turismo de Aventura - Adventure  Mexico.travel

Sarmiento Aguirre indicated that last year the Ministry of Tourism certified 28 adventure tour operators and announced that in the coming months training will be provided for ecotourism centers with the aim of having a categorization of tourist services in the cabins and raising the grade.

Adventure Mexico.travel Certificación de Guías de Turismo de Naturaleza 4  en 1 - Adventure Mexico.travel

The Undersecretary commented that there has been a great increase in the influx of hikers, especially in communities in the mountains where there are even no cabins and mountain biking is the main attraction, this has generated economic spillover in the small shops and food stalls.

The state official stressed that most people want to go outside to do outdoor activities, which has resulted in reservations made until December.

Apertura de una Empresa de Turismo de Aventura | DACS UNINTER

He added that it is necessary to strengthen the tourist product since there must be safe trails, paths for cyclists, and all the security measures for activities that are carried out outdoors, which will bring a greater economic spill for the place, therefore work with ejidatarios, cabin owners and tour operators.

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Source: elsoldedurango.com.mx

The Durango Post