Loreto Baja California Sur hosts a secret fishing tournament


In favor of the economic reactivation of the historic capital of Las Californias, this Saturday, September 19, the first fishing tournament was held since the arrival of the pandemic, informed the director of Loreto TourismFelipe Silva Ortega.

Loreto, un paraíso en Baja California Sur

The municipal presidency, headed by Arely Arce Peralta, in coordination with the Secretariat of Fisheries, Aquaculture, and Agricultural Development, headed by Andrés Córdoba Urrutia and organizations related to the sector, worked to develop this tournament, complying with the protocols established by the Secretariat of health.

Felipe Silva shared that this tournament is also the celebration of the XXVIII anniversary of the Santo Domingo Valley HuntingShooting and Fishing Club, which for 27 continuous years carried out this tournament in Loreto since the destination was part of the municipality of Comondú.

Torneo de pesca en BCS

He explained that the registration of the same was digitally and without promotion, with participants from the state only and some foreigners who reside here.

Likewise, the weigh-in, which will open from 12 noon to 5 p.m., will not be public and the winners will be announced virtually, along with the compilation of videos that the contestants will deliver about the time of their fishing. The prizes will be delivered later individually.

This event gives a break to the economy of the chain of businesses that participate in the tourism sector and to the destination itself with a tourist vocation, circumstances that maintain the optimistic mood among the inhabitants.

Dolche Vita dominated fishing tournament

The champion team presents two golds of 15.6 and 13.4 pounds to conquer first and second place

Authorities and organizers give the official shot to start sailing.  Photo: Facebook Loreto Town Hall
Authorities and organizers give the official shot to start sailing.

The now monarchs presented two golds, one of 15.8 and another of 13.4 pounds, which earned him the attention and the main positions. Dolche Vita also took the jackpot 


The contest, organized by the Santo Domingo Valley Shooting, Hunting and Fishing Club, also saw Los Mijito’s win, occupying third place with a 12.8-pound specimen.

Magnificent participation -42 teams- there was in the fair thanks to representatives of Baja California and Baja California Sur, as well as the United States.

Local authorities of Loreto, such as Felipe Silva, Director of Tourism, welcomed the response and praised the responsibility and care with which the fishermen behaved during the tournament, which set a good precedent for the next edition.


Finally, it was reported by the organizing committee that the registration cost is $ 1000.00, which will be distributed among the winners, 50% first place, 35% second place, and 15% the third, $ 500 pesos for the heaviest dorado

Source: tribunadeloscabos.com.mx, bigfish.mx

Baja California Post