Indigenous people and Covid-19: with 792 cases and 157 deaths, Oaxaca is the second most affected state


According to the Daily Technical Report on the advance of the epidemic in the country, until this Saturday a total of 792 infections have been reported among people who self-ascribe as belonging to an original nation

Oaxaca de Juárez.— The Covid-19 pandemic has been particularly cruel to the indigenous population in Oaxaca, which lives with higher levels of vulnerability, mainly with Zapotec communities of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, and now with peoples of the
Mixteca region, according to federal government data.

According to the Daily Technical Report on the progress of the epidemic in the country, until this Saturday a total of 792 infections have been reported among people who self-ascribe as belonging to an original nation. Of these, 157 have lost the battle against the

Reportan mil 249 muertes en poblaciones indígenas por covid-19 en México -  mexico

National figures specify that by age, the sector of the indigenous population most affected by the virus is between 45 and 49 years old, with a total of 850 cases, while the least affected is between 95 and 99 years old, with 10 cases.

In Oaxaca, this Saturday 14,726 confirmed patients and 1,359 deaths due to the virus were reported. The number of positive cases among the indigenous population represents 5.37% of the total infections in the state.

On the other hand, the health sector indicated that there are 496 active cases. Valles Centrales is the Sanitary Jurisdiction with the highest incidence, reporting 394 cases, followed by Mixteca, which registered 48, Isthmus 19, Costa 17, as well as Tuxtepec and Sierra nine, respectively.

Given this, the health authorities recalled that the collaboration of society in the strict adoption of hygiene measures is essential; that when leaving home you should always wear a mask, avoid touching it while using it, not sharing it, wash your hands before and after use, cut it and dispose of it responsibly; if it is made of fabric, it should be washed before using it.


The Oaxaca Post