Queretaro is projected as the first ‘smart city’ in Mexico


By 2035, the conversion to this technological model is contemplated at 100 percent. The municipality of El Marqués is the epicenter of the technological interconnection system

Querétaro will become the first ‘smart city’ in Mexico.

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A group made up of various business chambers, such as the CMIC, Canaco, Coparmex and the clusters of the state of Querétaro, plan that in 2035, the entire state will become a ‘smart city’.

In an interview with Bernardo Buitrón Rosainz, who is the general director at Vórtice IT Clúster Querétaro, he mentioned that ground zero will be in the municipality of El Marqués, in Ciudad Maderas, and different companies began to implement technology such as surveillance cameras with face detection or sensors in the gas and water tanks.

“The long-term objective is that Querétaro, in its entirety as a state, is an intelligent state, for which we must start with ground zero which is the area of ​​the El Marqués municipality, where there are more than 50 companies installing their technologies,” he said. Bernardo Buitrón.

Synergy between institutions and companies

The TD2035 initiative is expected to integrate the capacities of all participants at the state level. Ground zero is currently a living laboratory where the knowledge of research centers is combined.

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“We managed to bring together all the institutions, organizations, companies, academies that have to do with a particular issue and work aligned to meet these objectives,” said the director of the Cluster.

There is 35 percent progress in ground zero and it is estimated that in 2021 the implementations will continue and that these will be extended to other municipalities. Even promoting the project in some places in the mountainous area of ​​Querétaro.

“We want to support as a group of ‘smart city’ and bring connectivity to areas where there is none and bring education to the kids who do not have and bring access to the media,” said Buitrón Rosainz

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The creation of a ‘smart city’ will involve the integration of technology and the internet of things in the most common activities.

Citizens living in areas with these characteristics can feel safe because of the surveillance network with direct connection to the authorities’ monitoring centers, as well as sensors that measure and have the ability to request the supply of basic elements for the home.

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“We are talking about super safe areas due to the issue of cameras with face detection and communication with the different command centers, climate sensors, traffic sensors and automated services in the residential area,” he explained.

This model began to be applied in some cities in Latin America, and is imported from an initiative carried out in Belgium.

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The data

The TD2035 initiative, launched by entrepreneurs, aims to strengthen digital transformation and promote the knowledge economy

Source: amqueretaro.com

The Queretaro Post