Feminist groups plan to hold new demonstrations during the weekend in Guadalajara and Puerto Vallarta
Feminists protested in the Mexican city of Guadalajara to demand justice in the case of the sexual abuse of a 10-year-old girl by a Puerto Vallarta police officer in a case that worries civil groups and that could uncover a network of trafficking in minors.
The protest was called by the Mexican collective Aquelarre Radical with the intention of making public “the abuses” to which girls and boys are subjected throughout the country, said Rubí, one of its spokespersons.
“It is necessary to talk about child abuse, that it be a fixed debate in all spaces, whether they are mixed or only women, that it be a discourse that is always carried out on child abuse and not only physical abuse explicit but also verbal and emotional, that we question them every day, “he said.
Hooded and dressed in black, the protesters carried signs that read captions such as “Girls do not touch, they do not rape, they do not kill each other” and “For all the girls who will not scream with us tomorrow.”
Solís was dismissed and is being investigated by the Mexican Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office, in addition to the fact that the Financial Intelligence Unit of the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit froze his bank accounts due to irregular movements. (Photo: EFE)
During the protest in Guadalajara, the feminists demanded that the authorities resolve this case and punish the official, who was removed from his post when the facts were revealed.
In a street near the Government Palace of Jalisco, a hundred women performed chants and dynamics to denounce the violence and abuse to which they have been exposed since childhood.
On July 26, Luis Alonso ‘N’ , Director of Human Resources of the Puerto Vallarta Public Security Police Station, was arrested with a 10-year-old girl, naked and subjected in his vehicle.
The case of this minor, whose identity has been protected, has raised suspicions among international civil organizations that she could be related to networks of trafficking and child sexual exploitation.
(Photo: EFE)
Last Monday, the Latin American and Caribbean Committee for the Defense of Women’s Rights demanded that local authorities investigate who might be protecting Luis Alonso.
Puerto Vallarta is known for being a beach resort where pornography and sex tourism networks operate.
In the last few months alone, 67 cases of girls and boys who have suffered violence and sexual abuse have been officially registered in the area , denounced the Latin American and Caribbean Committee for the Defense of Women’s Rights.
The official was dismissed and will remain in preventive prison for six months linked to the process for the crime of child sexual abuse.The protest was called by the Mexican collective Aquelarre Radical with the intention of making public “the abuses” to which girls and boys are subjected throughout the country, said Rubí, one of its spokespersons. (Photo: EFE)
In addition, last Friday the Mexican judge Jorge Luis Solís defined that the detainee could not be prosecuted for corruption of minors since “the minor did not feel pleasure” and that the accused was linked to another process for child sexual abuse.
Solís was dismissed and is being investigated by the Mexican Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office, in addition to the fact that the Financial Intelligence Unit of the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit froze his bank accounts due to irregular movements.
The case will have a new hearing this Friday in the Courts of Control and Orality of Puerto Vallarta in which the Attorney General of Jalisco will request that Luis Alonso “N” be linked to a process for the crime of corruption of minors.
The agency announced on Wednesday that regardless of this new hearing, they maintain their interest that Judge Solís be investigated for his decision with which “he violated the principle of maximum protection and the best interests of the minor under 10 years of age.”
Feminist groups plan to hold new demonstrations over the weekend in Guadalajara and Puerto Vallarta.
Source: infobae.com