Mexico COVID UPDATE numbers, 24,324 deaths and 196,847 infections


June 24, 2020 8pm

There are 24,036 confirmed active cases in the country, which represent the active epidemic in the Mexican Republic

José Luis Alomía, General Director of Epidemiology, reported that this Wednesday, June 24, Mexico reached 24,324 deaths from COVID-19. In addition, there are 196,847 accumulated infections (registering 5,437 new cases within 24 hours) since the first positive case began last February.

There are 24,036 active confirmed cases in the country, which represent the active epidemic. There are 256,336 negative cases, 62,475 suspects, and a total of 515,658 people studied.

This evening conference is number 117, on day 24 of the ” new normal”, under the epidemiological red light (maximum alert) in 15 states, including the capital, and with 17 states on orange alert (high risk); which will remain in this way until next Friday when the information is updated.

Chart of the data of deaths, contagions, negative cases and more until this day June 24 (Photo: SSA)

The official reported that there are 40,219 active suspected cases, a number that almost doubles that of confirmed cases, which are concentrated in Mexico City, Mexico State and Puebla.

On the international scene, the World Health Organization ( WHO ) registers America as the place where the majority of confirmed cases are concentrated, with 1,091,555.

The Eastern Mediterranean area is behind the American continent, with 273,392 infected or 14.1% of cases, while in third place is Europe with 259,680 cases or 13.1 percent . The total number of confirmed cases worldwide is 9,129,146, but those confirmed in the last 14 days are 1,982,575 or 22 percent. The global case fatality rate is 5.2 percent.

The increase in cases of accumulated infections is 2.8% (Photo: SSA)

On the other hand, of the new cases of deaths, 947 were registered in the last 24 hours. Of these, 603 correspond to patients of the IMSS, 223, from hospitals of the Ministry of Health and 111 in other places.

Among the more than 196,000 accumulated cases of infected, there are 62,475 suspected cases. According to the estimated epidemic curve of the health authority, they represent a decrease from before June 15.

Most of the suspects have been detected by the Ministry of Health, followed by “other” hospitals, the IMSS and the ISSSTE, respectively.

Mexico, the State of Mexico and Puebla are the states with the highest number of suspected contagion cases (Photo: SSA)

In addition, this day Dr. Alomia presented a new informative category, which corresponds to the number of people recovered. As of Tuesday, 113,596 patients, or 58%, were able to heal after contracting the virus.

Regarding the availability of general beds (26,637) for care of the IRAG Network, it was reported that there are 14,750 and 11,887 (45%) are occupied.

To date, 5,592 are available and 3,377 are available from a total of 8,969 beds with a fan from the IRAG Network. Thus, at the national level, there is an occupation of 45% and an availability of 55 percent.

According to the authorities, the curve of the epidemic has been flattening out (Photo: SSA)

For her part, Dr. Gisela Juliana Lara Saldaña, head of the IMSS-Welfare Program Unit who spoke about the treatment of coronavirus cases in indigenous people.

He noted that the registration of people in the rural population has been low since they have managed to control cases effectively, thanks to the Program Coverage that placed 140 mobile medical units outside hospitals that operate 24 hours a day to care for any patient who goes to external consultation service.

He noted that after being diagnosed, they are admitted to the hospital or redirected, depending on the case of their disease, this in order that when they enter the hospital they can become infected with the coronavirus.


The Mazatlan Post