Remains of 60 mammoths found at new Santa Lucia airport in CDMX


The skeletons were found in areas where the future Airport Control Tower will be and on what will be the runways.


The remains of at least 60 mammoths were found on the land where the new Felipe Angeles International Airport is built, in Santa Lucía (State of Mexico), reported the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH).

Encuentran restos de más de 60 mamuts en Santa Lucía — Noticias en ...

Last December it was reported that the bones of several mammoths were discovered, although it was thought that it would be a dozen specimens, at least 60 of them have been unearthed.

Encuentran 60 mamuts en Santa Lucía * Página Central

The discovery at the Santa Lucía Military Base did not stop construction work on the new General Felipe Ángeles International Airport, as announced by Salvador Pulido, director of Salvage at INAH at the time.

The skeletons were found in areas where the future Airport Control Tower will be and on what will be the runways.

Hallan en Santa Lucía restos de 60 mamuts

At the beginning of INAH’s work, on April 9, 2019, the area, located in what was once the Lake of Xaltocan, was certain to find Pleistocene fauna that dates back 35,000 years before Christ and up to the time Mexica; however, they did not imagine how many mammoths they would find.

Encuentran restos de más de 60 mamuts en Santa Lucía

Back then, three archaeologists were put in charge of the project, each with twelve assistants; 31 archaeologists now work, each with their team, in addition to three restorers, Infobae said.

So far, over six dozen mammoths have been found, almost all of which are of the Columbi, Colombian mammoth, and other fauna associated with the Pleistocene, such as bison, camels, and horses.

Hallan 70 mamuts en base aérea de Santa Lucía

In addition to the fauna, 15 human bones have also been recovered, belonging to pre-Hispanic burials, vessels, obsidian, and a canid, which was also buried as an offering.

Trabajadores del INAH descubren restos de mamuts en aeropuerto de ...

It is contemplated that in the future all the vestiges found in the area can be integrated into a gallery, in order to tell how the development of all that space was until the most recent time, so that visitors have the opportunity to know how that place for more than 35 thousand years.

Encuentran restos de más de 60 mamuts en Santa Lucía, México ...


The Mazatlan Post